Month: April 2023

Mounting a QCOW File

We had a power outage on Monday that took out the drive that holds our VMs. There are backups, but the backup drive copies had superblock errors and all sorts of issues. To recover our data, I learned all sorts of new things — firstly that you can mount a QCOW file and copy data out. First, you have to connect a network block device to the file. Once it is connected, you can use fdisk to list the partitions on the drive and mount those partitions. In this example, I had a partition called nbd0p1 that I mounted to /mnt/data_recovery

modprobe nbd max_part=2
qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 /path/to/server_file.qcow2
fdisk /dev/nbd0 -l
mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/data_recovery

Once you are done, unmount it and disconnect from the network block device.

umount /mnt/data_recovery
qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0
rmmod nbd

ISC Bind – Converting Secondary Zone to Primary

Our power went out on Monday and, unfortunately, the SSD on the server with all of our VMs got corrupted. The main server has ISC Bind configured to host all of our internal DNS zones as secondaries … but, a day after the primary DNS server went down, those copies fell over. Luckily, you can convert a secondary zone to primary. The problem is that the cached copy of the zone was … funky binary stuff.

Luckily there’s an executable to convert this into a text zone file — named-compilezone

-f raw -F text -o output_file_name zone_name input_file_name

So, to covert my zone:

named-compilezone -f raw -F text -o

Then, in the named.conf file, change the zone type to “master” and remark out the line indicating which the masters are. Change the “files” line to the newly created file. If you haven’t already done so, add “allow-query {any; };” so clients can actually query the zone.

Zookeeper: Finding the Leader

When restarting our ensemble of zookeepers, I restart the leader last (to avoid repeatedly reallocating the role). Which means I’ve got to find the leader. Luckily the zookeepers are happy to report if they are the leader or a follower if you send ‘srvr’ to the zookeeper port.

jumpserver:~ # echo srvr | nc 2181
Zookeeper version: 3.5.8-f439ca583e70862c3068a1f2a7d4d068eec33315, built on 05/04/2020 15:53 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/1383
Received: 3783871
Sent: 3784761
Connections: 7
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x800003d25
Mode: follower
Node count: 3715

Looking at the “Mode” line above, I can see that’s the follower. So I’ll check the next Zookeeper …

jumpserver:~ # echo srvr | nc 2181
Zookeeper version: 3.5.8-f439ca583e70862c3068a1f2a7d4d068eec33315, built on 05/04/2020 15:53 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/1167
Received: 836866
Sent: 848235
Connections: 1
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x800003d25
Mode: leader
Node count: 3715
Proposal sizes last/min/max: 36/32/19782

And that’s the leader — so 39 will be the last one rebooted.

Notes for Ohio Land Leases

OSU provides a summary of different requirements based on the term of the lease:
  • Up to 1 year –  Verbal can be enforceable
  • 1-2 years – Must be in writing and signed by both parties
  • 2-3 years- Must be in writing, signed by both parties, notarized,  and recorded in the county where the land is located
  • 3 years or more- Must be in writing, signed by both parties before two witnesses, notarized, and recorded in the county where the land is located

Legal references:

O.R.C. § 5301.08 creates an exemption for land leases under 3 years from notarization and recording requirements in O.R.C. § 5301.01

Logstash – Key Value Parsing

The KV filter plug-in is a quick way to split key/value pairs from message data. An example syslog message where there is some prefix information followed by key/value pairs. In this case, each pair is separated by a semicolon and they keys and values are separated by a colon.

<140>1 2023-04-13T17:43:00+01:00 DEVICENAME5@ EVENT 2693 [meta sequenceId="33"]"time-stamp":2023-04-13T17:43:00+01:00;"session-id":;"user-name":;"id":0;"type":CREATE;"entity":not-alarmed-event-notification

The first thing you need to do is to parse the message so the key/value pair data is in a single field.

"message" => "<%{POSINT:syslog_pri}>%{NUMBER:stuff} %{DATA:syslog_timestamp}+%{DATA:syslog_timestamp_offset} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource}@%{DATA:sourceip} %{DATA:log_type} %{NUMBER:event_id} \[meta sequenceId=\"%{DATA:meta_sequence_id}\"\] %{GREEDYDATA:kvfields}"

Now that the data is available in kvfields, the kv filter can be used to parse the data. Indicate which character splits fields, which character splits the key and value, and what field is the source of the key/value pair data. Additionally, if you need to trim data from keys (trim_key) or values (trim_value), you can do so. In this case, each of the keys is quoted. I do not wish to carry the quotes through on the field name, so I am trimming the double-quote character from keys.

kv {
     field_split => ";"
     value_split  => ":"
     trim_key  => '"'
     source  => "kvfields"

You can recursively parse data, if needed, and the key/values parsed from a value will be sub-elements of the parent key.


Sometimes more advanced logic is required to parse message content. There is a ruby filter plugin that allows you to run ruby code. As an example, the “attributes” key contains key/value pairs but the same delimiter is used for both key/value and the list of pairs.

<140>1 2023-04-13T17:57:00+01:00 DEVICENAME5@ EVENT 2693 [meta sequenceId="12"] "time-stamp":2023-04-13T17:57:00+01:00;"session-id":;"user-name":;"id":0;"type":CREATE;"entity":not-alarmed-event-notification;"attributes":"condition-type;T-BE-FEC;condition-description;Bit Error Forward Error Correction HT = 325651545656;location;near-end;direction;ingress;time-period;1min;service-affect;NSA;severity-level;cleared;fm-entity;och-os-1/2/2;fm-entity-type;OCH-OS;occurrence-date-time;2023-04-13T17:55:55+01:00;alarm-condition-type;standing;extension-description;;last-severity-level;not-applicable;alarm-id;85332F351D9EA5FC7BB52C1C75F85B5527251155;"

If you break the string into an array on the delimiter, even elements are the key and the +1 odd element is the corresponding value.

ruby {
     code => "
          strattributes = event.get('[attributes]')
          arrayattributebreakout = strattributes.split(';')
          if arrayattributebreakout.count > 0
               arrayattributebreakout.each_with_index do |element,index|
               if index.even?
                    event.set(arrayattributebreakout[index], arrayattributebreakout[index+1])



Ohio CAUV Notes

Land used exclusively for commercial agriculture can be valued, for property tax purposes, based on the gross proceeds from the agricultural use. To qualify, you need to have used the land for agricultural purposes for three years producing an average gross income of at least $2,500 (or, if you have 10+ acres, there is no income requirement).

Once you qualify, file DTE Form 109 with the county auditor. You need to re-assert the commercial agricultural use each year to continue CAUV status. If the land ceases to be used for agriculture, three years of “makeup taxes” are owed — however much you would have been taxed minus the amount actually paid.

Easter Hunt

Anya wanted to do an Easter egg hunt this year — so I designed a bracelet for her & made little bags with the components. The components were put into some of the eggs (candy was put into other eggs)

And we hid the eggs all around the property —

But I stood near each of the hiding places and marked a point on OSMAnd+ … then she took my cell phone & used the map to search for her eggs.

Important lessons learned — {1} bits to assemble a bracelet are a cool gift, but three green spheres in an egg? Not so awesome (and Anya’s gotten old enough to say “ugh, beads?” when she’s not thrilled with the contents of the egg) and {2} she should delete the marker once she gets the egg. She had ten eggs when she was done searching, but we don’t actually know which ten of the twelve that are hidden she’s found. So we’ve got to do the whole search again to mark off the “done” spots!

2023 Hatch – Turkey Hatching

We’re setting up the incubator tonight to get our first dozen turkey eggs going.

I need to leave the incubator sit overnight to get the temperature and humidity regulated. Tomorrow, we’ll be putting the eggs into the incubator.



Pointy end down, may need to leave empty space between eggs so they fit

Forced-air incubator, so set to 99.5 degrees F (monitoring for temps between 99 and 100 F)

First 25 days, relative humidity 50-60%
Final three days, increase humidity to 65-70%

More Sprouts (and chicken chow!)

The tomato plants are starting to get big — still a few weeks before we can plant them outside, but we have plenty of healthy plants.

I had basically given up on the asparagus (they were older seeds), but I finally have five plants sprouted — this is part of my endeavor to get more plant once / harvest yearly stuff growing.  

And then there’s the chicken chow — this is Bocking 14 comfrey. It doesn’t go to seed, but provides a high-protein leafy food for chickens and turkeys.