Tag: kafka

Kafka Consumer and Producer Example – Java


package com.example;

import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Properties;

public class SimpleKafkaProducer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length < 2) {
            System.err.println("Please provide Kafka server and port. Usage: SimpleKafkaProducer <kafka-server> <port>");

        String kafkaHost = args[0];
        String kafkaPort = args[1];
        String kafkaServer = kafkaHost + ":" + kafkaPort;
        String topicName = "LJRJavaTest";
        String truststorePassword = "truststore-password";

        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, kafkaServer);
        props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());
        props.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());

        // Load truststore from resources
        try (InputStream truststoreStream = SimpleKafkaProducer.class.getResourceAsStream("/kafka.client.truststore.jks")) {
            if (truststoreStream == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Truststore not found in resources");

            // Create a temporary file to hold the truststore
            java.nio.file.Path tempTruststore = java.nio.file.Files.createTempFile("kafka.client.truststore", ".jks");
            java.nio.file.Files.copy(truststoreStream, tempTruststore, java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

            props.put("security.protocol", "SSL");
            props.put("ssl.truststore.location", tempTruststore.toString());
            props.put("ssl.truststore.password", truststorePassword);

            KafkaProducer<String, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);

            // Define the date-time formatter
            DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd 'at' HH:mm:ss");

            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    String key = "Key-" + i;
                    // Get the current timestamp
                    String timestamp = LocalDateTime.now().format(formatter);
                    // Include the timestamp, Kafka host, and port in the message value
                    String value = String.format("Message-%d (Test from %s on server %s:%s)", i, timestamp, kafkaHost, kafkaPort);
                    ProducerRecord<String, String> record = new ProducerRecord<>(topicName, key, value);
                    System.out.println("Sent message: (" + key + ", " + value + ")");
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
        } catch (Exception e) {


package com.example;

import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Properties;

public class SimpleKafkaConsumer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length < 2) {
            System.err.println("Please provide Kafka server and port. Usage: SimpleKafkaConsumer <kafka-server> <port>");

        String kafkaServer = args[0] + ":" + args[1];
        String topicName = "LJRJavaTest";
        String groupId = "test-consumer-group";
        String truststorePassword = "truststore-password";

        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, kafkaServer);
        props.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId);
        props.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName());
        props.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName());
        props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");

        // Load truststore from resources
        try (InputStream truststoreStream = SimpleKafkaConsumer.class.getResourceAsStream("/kafka.client.truststore.jks")) {
            if (truststoreStream == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Truststore not found in resources");

            // Create a temporary file to hold the truststore
            java.nio.file.Path tempTruststore = java.nio.file.Files.createTempFile("kafka.client.truststore", ".jks");
            java.nio.file.Files.copy(truststoreStream, tempTruststore, java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

            props.put("security.protocol", "SSL");
            props.put("ssl.truststore.location", tempTruststore.toString());
            props.put("ssl.truststore.password", truststorePassword);

            KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props);

            try {
                while (true) {
                    ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100));
                    for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
                        System.out.printf("Consumed message: (key: %s, value: %s, offset: %d, partition: %d)%n",
                                record.key(), record.value(), record.offset(), record.partition());
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
        } catch (Exception e) {

Keystore for Trusts

The cert on my Kafka server is signed by a CA that has both a root and intermediary signing certificate. To trust the chain, I need to populate rootCA.crt and intermediateCA.crt files with the correct base64 encoded public key and import both files into a new trust store:

keytool -importcert -file rootCA.crt -keystore kafka.client.truststore.jks -alias rootCA -storepass truststore-password

keytool -importcert -file intermediateCA.crt -keystore kafka.client.truststore.jks -alias intermediateCA -storepass truststore-password

Then list certs in the trust store to verify the import was successful:

keytool -list -keystore kafka.client.truststore.jks -storepass truststore-password

And place the jks keystore with the CA certs in project:

│   pom.xml
│   └───main
│       ├───java
│       │   └───com
│       │       └───example
│       │               SimpleKafkaProducer.java
│       │
│       └───resources
│               kafka.client.truststore.jks

Build and Run

Create a pom.xml for the build

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


        <!-- Kafka client dependency -->

            <!-- Compiler plugin to ensure Java 8 compatibility -->
            <!-- Exec Maven Plugin to run the Java class -->

Build using `mvn clean package`

Run the producer using ` mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=”com.example.SimpleKafkaProducer” -Dexec.args=”kafkahost.example.net 9095″`

Run the consumer using ` mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=”com.example.SimpleKafkaConsumer” -Dexec.args=”kafkahost.example.net 9095″`

Kafka Streams Group Members and Topic Partitions

I encountered an oddity in a Java application that uses Kafka Streams to implement a scalable application that reads data from Kafka topics. Data is broken out into multiple topics, and there are Kubernetes pods (“workers”) reading from each topic. The pods have different numbers of replicas defined. But it appears that no one ever aligned the topic partitions with the number of workers being deployed.

Kafka Streams assigns “work” to group members by partition. If you have ten partitions and five workers, each worker processes the data from two partitions. However, when the numbers don’t line up … some workers get more partitions than others. Were you to have eleven partitions and five workers, four workers would get data from two partitions and the fifth worker gets data from three.

Worse – in some cases we have more workers than partitions. Those extra workers are using up some resources, but they’re not actually processing data.

It’s a quick fix — partitions can be added mostly invisibly (the consumer group will be re-balanced, write operations won’t really change. New data just starts getting placed in the new partitions), so I increased our partition counts to be 2x the number of workers. This allows us to add a few workers to a topic if it gets backlogged, but the configuration evenly distributes the work across all of the normally running pods.

Communicating With Kafka Server Using SSL

Update the Client Configuration

Use the keytool command to create a trust store with the CA chain used in your certificates. I am using Venafi, so I need to import two CA public keys:

keytool -keystore kafka.truststore.jks -alias SectigoRoot -import -file "Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA.crt"
keytool -keystore kafka.truststore.jks -alias UserTrustRoot -import -file "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority.crt"

Update the Client Configuration

Create a producer-ssl.properties or consumer-ssl.properties based on your current producer/consumer properties file. Update the port – 9095 is used for SSL – and append the following lines


Using the CLI Client Tools

Once you have a property configured properties file, you can invoke either the kafka-console-consumer.sh or kafka-console-producer.sh scripts indicating your new properties file:

/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka1586.example.net:9095 --topic LJRTest --consumer.config /kafka/config/consumer-ssl.properties --group LJR5

/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka1586.example.net:9095 --topic LJRTest --producer.config /kafka/config/producer-ssl.properties

To debug SSL communication, set the following KAFKA_OPTS prior to invoking the command line producer/consumer utilities:

export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djavax.net.debug=ssl,handshake"

Adding SSL To Kafka Server

Obtain SSL Certificates for Each Server

The following process was used to enable SSL communication with the Kakfa servers. Firstly, generate certificates for each server in the environment. I am using a third-party certificate provider, Venafi. When you download the certificates, make sure to select the “PEM (OpenSSL)” format and check the box to “Extract PEM content into separate files (.crt, .key)”

Upload each zip file to the appropriate server under /tmp/ named in the $(hostname).zip format. The following series of commands creates the files needed in the Kafka server configuration. You will be asked to set passwords for the keystore and truststore JKS files. Don’t forget what you use — we’ll need them later.

# Assumes Venafi certificates downloaded as OpenSSL zip files with separate public/private keys are present in /tmp/$(hostname).zip
mkdir /kafka/config/ssl/$(date +%Y)
cd /kafka/config/ssl/$(date +%Y)
mv /tmp/$(hostname).zip ./
unzip $(hostname).zip

# Create keystore for Kakfa
openssl pkcs12 -export -in $(hostname).crt -inkey $(hostname).key -out $(hostname).p12 -name $(hostname) -CAfile ./ca.crt -caname root
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore $(hostname).keystore.jks -srckeystore $(hostname).p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias $(hostname)

# Create truststore from CA certs
keytool -keystore kafka.server.truststore.jks -alias SectigoRoot -import -file "Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA.crt"
keytool -keystore kafka.server.truststore.jks -alias UserTrustRoot -import -file "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority.crt"

# Fix permissions
chown -R kafkauser:kafkagroup /kafka/config/ssl

# Create symlinks for current-year certs
cd ..
ln -s /kafka/config/ssl/$(date +%Y)/$(hostname).keystore.jks /kafka/config/ssl/kafka.keystore.jks
ln -s /kafka/config/ssl/$(date +%Y)/kafka.server.truststore.jks /kafka/config/ssl/kafka.truststore.jks

By creating symlinks to the active certs, you can renew the certificates by creating a new /kafka/config/ssl/$(date +%Y) folder and updating the symlink. No change to the configuration files is needed.

Update Kafka server.properties to Use SSL

Append a listener prefixed with SSL:// to the existing listeners – as an example:

#2024-03-27 LJR Adding SSL port on 9095

Then add configuration values to use the keystore and truststore, specify which SSL protocols will be permitted, and set whatever client auth requirements you want:

ssl.client.auth=none # Or whatever auth setting you require

Save the server.properties file and use “systemctl restart kafka” to restart the Kafka service.

Update Firewall Rules to Permit Traffic on New Port

firewall-cmd –add-port=9095/tcp
firewall-cmd –add-port=9095/tcp –permanent

Counting Messages in All Kafka Topics

For some reason, I am given a lot of Kafka instances that no one knows what they are or what they do. The first step, generally, is figuring out if it does anything. Because a server that no one has sent a message to in a year or two … well, there’s not much point in bringing it up to standard, monitoring it, and such. My first glance analysis has been just counting all of the messages in all of the topics to see which topics are actually used — quick bash script to accomplish this (presuming a Kafka broker is on port 9092 of the host running the script)

strTopics=$(./kafka-topics.sh --list --bootstrap-server $(hostname):9092)


for i in "${arrayTopics[@]}"; do iMessages=`./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server $(hostname):9092 --topic $i --property print.timestamp=true --from-beginning --timeout-ms=10000 2>&1 | grep "Processed a total of"`;         echo "$i     $iMessages"; done

Zookeeper: Finding the Leader

When restarting our ensemble of zookeepers, I restart the leader last (to avoid repeatedly reallocating the role). Which means I’ve got to find the leader. Luckily the zookeepers are happy to report if they are the leader or a follower if you send ‘srvr’ to the zookeeper port.

jumpserver:~ # echo srvr | nc zcserver38.example.net 2181
Zookeeper version: 3.5.8-f439ca583e70862c3068a1f2a7d4d068eec33315, built on 05/04/2020 15:53 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/1383
Received: 3783871
Sent: 3784761
Connections: 7
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x800003d25
Mode: follower
Node count: 3715

Looking at the “Mode” line above, I can see that’s the follower. So I’ll check the next Zookeeper …

jumpserver:~ # echo srvr | nc zcserver39.example.net 2181
Zookeeper version: 3.5.8-f439ca583e70862c3068a1f2a7d4d068eec33315, built on 05/04/2020 15:53 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/1167
Received: 836866
Sent: 848235
Connections: 1
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x800003d25
Mode: leader
Node count: 3715
Proposal sizes last/min/max: 36/32/19782

And that’s the leader — so 39 will be the last one rebooted.

Kafka Manager SSL Issue

We renewed the certificate on our Kafka Manager (now called CMAK, but we haven’t upgraded yet so it’s still ‘manager’), but the site wouldn’t come up. It did, however, dump a bunch of java ick into the log file

Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: [^[[31merror^[[0m] p.c.s.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory - cannot load SSL context
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.ssl.ServerSSLEngine$.createScalaSSLEngineProvider(ServerSSLEngine.scala:96) ~[com.typesafe.play.play-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.ssl.ServerSSLEngine$.createSSLEngineProvider(ServerSSLEngine.scala:32) ~[com.typesafe.play.play-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory.liftedTree1$1(NettyServer.scala:113) [com.typesafe.play.play-netty-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory.sslEngineProvider$lzycompute(NettyServer.scala:112) [com.typesafe.play.play-netty-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory.sslEngineProvider(NettyServer.scala:111) [com.typesafe.play.play-netty-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory.getPipeline(NettyServer.scala:90) [com.typesafe.play.play-netty-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Error loading HTTPS keystore from /path/to/kafkamgr.example.net.jks
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.ssl.DefaultSSLEngineProvider.createSSLContext(DefaultSSLEngineProvider.scala:47) ~[com.typesafe.play.play-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.ssl.DefaultSSLEngineProvider.<init>(DefaultSSLEngineProvider.scala:21) ~[com.typesafe.play.play-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.ssl.ServerSSLEngine$.createScalaSSLEngineProvider(ServerSSLEngine.scala:96) ~[com.typesafe.play.play-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.ssl.ServerSSLEngine$.createSSLEngineProvider(ServerSSLEngine.scala:32) ~[com.typesafe.play.play-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory.liftedTree1$1(NettyServer.scala:113) [com.typesafe.play.play-netty-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at play.core.server.NettyServer$PlayPipelineFactory.sslEngineProvider$lzycompute(NettyServer.scala:112) [com.typesafe.play.play-netty-server_2.11-2.4.6.jar:2.4.6]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: Caused by: java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: Cannot recover key
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.security.provider.KeyProtector.recover(KeyProtector.java:315) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore.engineGetKey(JavaKeyStore.java:141) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore$JKS.engineGetKey(JavaKeyStore.java:56) ~[na:1.8.0_251]
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: at sun.security.provider.KeyStoreDelegator.engineGetKey(KeyStoreDelegator.java:96) ~[na:1.8.0_251]

Elsewhere in the log file, we got output that looks like not-decrypted stuff …

Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamanager kafka-manager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid version format:  ̄G^H▒~A�▒~Zᆴ▒~@▒~A:U▒~HP▒~W5▒~W▒D¬ᄡ^K/↓▒
Jan 16 14:01:52 kafkamananger kafka-manager: "^S^A^S^C^S^B▒~@+▒~@/▒~Lᄅ▒~Lᄄ▒~@,▒~@0▒~@

Which led me to hypothesize that either the keystore password wasn’t right (it was, I could use keytool to view the jks file) or the key password wasn’t right. It wasn’t — there isn’t actually a way to configure the key password in Kafka Manager, just a parameter to configure the keystore password. You’ve got to re-use that password for the key password.

To change the key password in a JKS file, use keytool, enter the keystore and key password when prompted, then enter the new key password when prompted.

keytool --keypasswd -alias kafkamanager.example.net -keystore ljr.jks

Voila — once both the key and keystore matched the password configured in play.server.https.keyStore.password … the Kafka Manager service started up and worked properly.


Automatically Adding “Extra” JMX Ports to Firewalld

A few months ago, I had dug into a mystery at work — even though JMX was configured to use port 9999, port 9999 was open from the client to the server, and the client was configured to use port 9999 … our Kafka manager tool could only report statistics from the local Kafka server. It failed to retrieve data for the remote ones — saying it was unable to connect. Long story short, JMX uses “it’s” port and two other randomly selected (and not readily configurable) ports. To automate getting JMX working when Kafka is restarted, I built this shell script. It identifies which ports are in use by Java, and it transiently adds them to the firewall rules (since the ports change on each service start, transient firewall rules made sense here). My plan is to link the script to the Kafka unit file as an ExecStartPost directive.

# Get ports linked to java
mapfile -t array_of_ports < <( ss -6 -l -t -p -n | grep java | cut -d ":" -f 4 | grep -v "10.166" | sed -e 's/\ *$//g')

declare -p array_of_ports

for i in "${array_of_ports[@]}"
   if (( i > 20000 )); then
      echo "/bin/firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$i/tcp"
      output=`/bin/firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$i/tcp`
      echo $output

mapfile -t array_of_ports < <( ss -4 -l -t -p -n | grep java | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1 | sed -e 's/\ *$//g')

declare -p array_of_ports

for i in "${array_of_ports[@]}"
   if (( i > 20000 )); then
      echo "/bin/firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$i/tcp"
      output=`/bin/firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$i/tcp`
      echo $output

Kafka Producer – Sending a Message with a Key

I needed to test sending messages into a topic where the cleanup policy is compact (keep the most recent data for each key) … which means I needed a quick way to send a message with a key to Kafka. Fortunately, the kafka-consume-producer script supports key parsing. You just need to include a few –property parameters when running the script.

./kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka.example.com:9092 --topic ljrtesting --property "parse.key=true" --property "key.separator=:"

When you send messages, they are in the format Key<deliminator>Message — so “LJRKey:1” will send a message with the key of “LJRKey” and the message content of “1”.

Kafka: Reset __consumer_offsets Topic

I set up a few topics for a new process, but the client was continually unable to subscribe getting the following messages:

[2023-01-06 12:54:58,965] INFO [Worker clientId=connect-1, groupId=connect-cluster-group-dev] Group coordinator kafkahost.example.com:9092 (id: 2147483415 rack: null) is unavailable or invalid due to cause: error response NOT_COORDINATOR.isDisconnected: false. Rediscovery will be attempted. (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:904)
[2023-01-06 12:54:58,966] INFO [Worker clientId=connect-1, groupId=connect-cluster-group-dev] JoinGroup failed: This is not the correct coordinator. Marking coordinator unknown. Sent generation was Generation{generationId=-1, memberId='', protocol='null'} (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:623)
[2023-01-06 12:54:58,966] INFO [Worker clientId=connect-1, groupId=connect-cluster-group-dev] Rebalance failed. (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:472)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotCoordinatorException: This is not the correct coordinator.

The output should contain your topic and an offset:

kafkasandbox:bin # ./kafka-console-consumer.sh  --bootstrap-server kafkaserver.example.com:9092 --formatter "kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager\$OffsetsMessageFormatter" --topic __consumer_offsets
[APP_RUN,appa_DB_error,5]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=912219, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1673378016876, expireTimestamp=None)
[APP_RUN,appb_DB_error,5]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=424539, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1673378016938, expireTimestamp=None)
[APP_RUN,appb_DB_error,3]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=359340, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1673378016938, expireTimestamp=None)
[APP_RUN,appc_DB_error,2]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=986361, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1673378017005, expireTimestamp=None)

I recreated the topics with the replication factor equal to the number of servers. I restarted all of the Kafka and ZooKeeper services. We tried from other clients. We tried searching the internet for some pointer as to what has gone awry. The only thing I could find is that the __consumer_offsets topic wasn’t right … you should be able to read the offset data:

/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kafkahost.example.net:9092 --formatter "kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager\$OffsetsMessageFormatter" --topic __consumer_offsets

Now, resetting the entire consumer offsets partition is a massively bad idea in a production environment. We’ve had to advance offsets before, but never had to reset the entire partition.

The documentation I found online used a ZooKeeper command that no longer exists — ‘rmr’ — but deleteall (basically a subtree deletion) did the trick.

# Reset consumer offsets
# Note -- this is a *really* bad idea in production as it can lead to missed messages. You should record the current offsets, clear the topic, then set the offset for the client groups
systemctl stop kafka # on all servers
mv /kafka/ws_npm_kafka/data-kafka/__consumer_offsets-* /tmp/
./zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:2181
deleteall /brokers/topics/__consumer_offsets
# Once this has been done on all servers, restart kafka
systemctl start kafka