Month: September 2023

MongoDB: Changing Host in Replica Set

When we get replacement servers at work, they frequently build a new server with a temporary name and IP address with the plan of swapping the host name and IP with the decommed server. So my Server123 gets turned down, Server123-Temp gets renamed to Server123, and the IP from the old server is configured on the replacement. Everything is operating exactly as it was before even if the direct host name or IP address were used — great for not needing to update firewall rules and vpn profiles, but I encountered a bit of a problem with the MongoDB cluster.

When I initiated the replica set, I did not have to specify a host name. It pulled the host name from the system — which happily provided that temporary name that doesn’t really exist (it’s not in DNS). Which was fine — I could add the temporary name to /etc/hosts along with the future name that I’ve remapped to the current IP so my “new” VMs all talk to each other and the old servers don’t get mucked up.

But, eventually, I’d like the replica set to have the right names. Had I known about this ahead of time, I’d simply have changed the host name value on the box to be the permanent name, initialized the replica set, and returned the temporary name to the box. But I didn’t, and I didn’t really want to start from 0 with the database I’d restored. Luckily, it turns out there’s a process for re-creating the replica set without destroying the data.

First, edit the mongo.conf file and comment out the replica set block. Restart each server with the new config. Then delete the “local” database from each MongoDB server using mongo local --eval "db.dropDatabase()"

Uncomment the replica set block in mongo.conf and restart MongoDB again — initialize the replica set again (make sure the server “knows” it’s proper name first!)

Redis Continually Receiving SIGTERM

I brought up a redis cluster — three servers which all logged basically nothing apart from the fact they were about to shut down. The service status showed as “Activating” — never started — and the server wasn’t doing anything useful.

The redis log reads:

2920940:signal-handler (1694019281) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2921151:signal-handler (1694019374) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2921518:signal-handler (1694019468) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2921726:signal-handler (1694019561) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2922133:signal-handler (1694019655) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2922410:signal-handler (1694019748) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2923173:signal-handler (1694019842) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2923537:signal-handler (1694019935) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2923747:signal-handler (1694020029) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924110:signal-handler (1694020122) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924319:signal-handler (1694020216) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924687:signal-handler (1694020309) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924900:signal-handler (1694020403) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2925266:signal-handler (1694020496) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2925467:signal-handler (1694020590) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...

Turns out this is a hazard of copy/pasting a unit file from an older server — evidently redis cannot use a service type of “Forking” with systemd. To resolve the issue, edit /etc/systemd/system/redis.service and updating the type to “simple”. Use systemctl daemon-reload and then systemctl restart redis to launch redis with the new config … voila, I’ve got a cluster of three servers that are started and communicating.

MongoDB: Increasing Log Level

We had a problem with an application accessing our MongoDB cluster, and the log files didn’t provide much useful information. I could see the client connect and disconnect … but nothing in between. I discovered that the default logging level is very low. Good for disk utilization and I/O, but not great for troubleshooting.

db.runCommand({getParameter: 1, logLevel: 1}) # Get the current logging level
db.setLogLevel(3) # Fairly robust logging
db.setLogLevel(5) # don't try this is prod huge stream of text super logging
db.setLogLevel(0) # and set logging back to a low level once you are done troubleshooting

You can also increase the log level for individual components of MongoDB to minimize logging I/O:

db.setLogLevel(2, "accessControl" )


Tableau: Workbooks and Views Created or Modified By a Specific Individual

I had a manager looking to locate a ‘something in Tableau’ that was created by a specific individual — in this case, it was a terminated employee so “just ask the person” was not a viable solution. I put together a query to list all workbooks owned by or modified by an individual:

SELECT,, w.description, w.owner_id, w.modified_by_user_id, AS owner_email, AS modifier_email
     FROM  public.workbooks AS w
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.users AS owner_users on w.owner_id =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.users AS modified_users ON w.owner_id =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.system_users AS owner_system_users ON = owner_users.system_user_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN public.system_users AS modified_system_users ON = modified_users.system_user_id
      WHERE = 'UserLogonID';
--      WHERE LIKE '%Smith%' OR = '%Smith%'

As well as a query to identify all views owned by an individual:

SELECT views.*, AS owner_email
     FROM  public.views 
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.users AS owner_users on views.owner_id =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.system_users AS owner_system_users ON = owner_users.system_user_id

      WHERE = 'UserLogonID';
--      WHERE LIKE '%Smith%' OR = '%Smith%'

The email address based search is most reasonable — our email addresses are algorithmically based on our names, so we always know what the address would have been. Many contractors, however, don’t have Office 365 licenses or mailboxes … so I have to fall back to finding their logon ID in those cases.