Category: Technology

Bulk Download of YouTube Videos from Channel

Several years ago, I started recording our Township meetings and posting them to YouTube. This was very helpful — even our government officials used the recordings to refresh their memory about what happened in a meeting. But it also led people to ask “why, exactly, are we relying on some random citizen to provide this service? What if they are busy? Or move?!” … and the Township created their own channel and posted their meeting recordings. This was a great way to promote transparency however they’ve got retention policies. Since we have absolutely been at meetings where it would be very helpful to know what happened five, ten, forty!! years ago … my expectation is that these videos will be useful far beyond the allotted document retention period.

We decided to keep our channel around with the historic archive of government meeting recordings. There’s no longer time criticality — anyone who wants to see a current meeting can just use the township’s channel. We have a script that lists all of the videos from the township’s channel and downloads them — once I complete back-filling our archive, I will modify the script to stop once it reaches a video series we already have. But this quick script will list all videos published to a channel and download the highest quality MP4 file associated with that video.

# API key for my Google Developer project
strAPIKey = '<CHANGEIT>'

# Youtube account channel ID
strChannelID = '<CHANGEIT>'

import os
from time import sleep
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
from pytube import YouTube
import datetime

from config import dateLastDownloaded


strBaseVideoURL = ''
strSearchAPIv3URL= ''

iStart = 0		# Not used -- included to allow skipping first N files when batch fails midway
iProcessed = 0		# Just a counter

strStartURL = f"{strSearchAPIv3URL}key={strAPIKey}&channelId={strChannelID}&part=snippet,id&order=date&maxResults=50"
strYoutubeURL = strStartURL

while True:
    inp = urllib.request.urlopen(strYoutubeURL)
    resp = json.load(inp)

    for i in resp['items']:
        if i['id']['kind'] == "youtube#video":
            iDaysSinceLastDownload = datetime.datetime.strptime(i['snippet']['publishTime'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") - dateLastDownloaded
            # If video was posted since last run time, download the video
            if iDaysSinceLastDownload.days >= 0:
                strFileName = (i['snippet']['title']).replace('/','-').replace(' ','_')
                print(f"{iProcessed}\tDownloading file {strFileName} from {strBaseVideoURL}{i['id']['videoId']}")
                # Need to retrieve a youtube object and filter for the *highest* resolution otherwise we get blurry videos
                if iProcessed >= iStart:
                    yt = YouTube(f"{strBaseVideoURL}{i['id']['videoId']}")
                    yt.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4').order_by('resolution').desc().first().download(filename=f"{strFileName}.mp4")
                iProcessed = iProcessed + 1
        next_page_token = resp['nextPageToken']
        strYoutubeURL = strStartURL + '&pageToken={}'.format(next_page_token)
        print(f"Now getting next page from {strYoutubeURL}")

# Update with last run date
f = open("","w")
f.write("import datetime\n")
f.write(f"dateLastDownloaded = datetime.datetime({},{},{},0,0,0)")

Tableau: Upgrading from 2022.3.x to 2023.3.0

A.K.A. I upgraded and now my site has no content?!? Attempting to test the upgrade to 2023.3.0 in our development environment, the site was absolutely empty after the upgrade completed. No errors, nothing indicating something went wrong. Just nothing in the web page where I would expect to see data sources, workbooks, etc. The database still had a lot of ‘stuff’, the disk still had hundreds of gigs of ‘stuff’. But nothing showed up. I have experienced this problem starting with 2022.3.5 or 2022.3.11 and upgrading to 2023.3.0. I could upgrade to 2023.1.x and still have site content.

I wasn’t doing anything peculiar during the upgrade:

  • Run TableauServerTabcmd-64bit-2023-3-0.exe to upgrade the CLI
  • Run TableauServer-64bit-2023-3-0.exe to upgrade the Tableau binaries
  • Once installation completes, run open a ​new​ command prompt with ​Run as Administrator and launch “.\Tableau\Tableau Server\packages\scripts.20233.23.1017.0948\upgrade-tsm.cmd” –username username

The upgrade-tsm batch upgrades all of the components and database content. At this point, the server will be stopped. Start it. Verify everything looks OK – site is online, SSL is right, I can log in. Check out the site data … it’s not there!

Reportedly this is a known bug that only impacts systems that have been restored from backup. Since all of my servers were moved from Windows 2012 to Windows 2019 by backing up and restoring the Tableau sites … that’d be all of ’em! Fortunately, it is easy enough to make the data visible again. Run tsm maintenance reindex-search to recreate the search index. Refresh the user site, and there will be workbooks, data, jobs, and all sorts of things.

If reindexing does not sort the problem, tsm maintenance reset-searchserver should do it. The search reindex sorted me, though.

Did you know … Teams can automatically record meetings you schedule?

I don’t record all of my meetings — I probably don’t even record most of my meetings. But I schedule the occasional training session. And it really sucks when no one remembers to start recording … and we realize we missed the first fifteen minutes or so. Luckily, Teams has added an option to automatically record a meeting when it starts. No needing to remember to click record. No worrying that no one else thinks to kick off the recording if you are a bit late. When scheduling a meeting through Teams, there are a few settings on the right-hand side of the new meeting form. Simply toggle ‘Record automatically’ to on.


Voila — when I start the meeting, it immediately starts recording.

Linux – High Load with CIFS Mounts using Kernel 6.5.5

We recently updated our Fedora servers from 36 and 37 to 38. Since the upgrade, we have observed servers with very high load averages – 8+ on a 4-cpu server – but the server didn’t seem unreasonably slow. On the Unix servers I first used, Irix and Solaris, load average counts threads in a Runnable state. Linux, however, includes both Runnable and Uninterruptible states in the load average. This means processes waiting – on network calls using mkdir to a mounted remote server, local disk I/O – are included in the load average. As such, a high load average on Linux may indicate CPU resource contention but it may also indicate I/O contention elsewhere.

But there’s a third possibility – code that opts for the simplicity of the uninterrupted sleep without needing to be uninterruptible for a process. In our upgrade, CIFS mounts have a laundromat that I assume cleans up cache – I see four cifsd-cfid-laundromat threads in an uninterruptible sleep state – which means my load average, when the system is doing absolutely nothing, would be 4.

2023-10-03 11:11:12 [lisa@server01 ~/]# ps aux | grep " [RD]"
root 1150 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? D Sep28 0:01 [cifsd-cfid-laundromat]
root 1151 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? D Sep28 0:01 [cifsd-cfid-laundromat]
root 1152 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? D Sep28 0:01 [cifsd-cfid-laundromat]
root 1153 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? D Sep28 0:01 [cifsd-cfid-laundromat]
root 556598 0.0 0.0 224668 3072 pts/11 R+ 11:11 0:00 ps aux

Looking around the Internet, I see quite a few bug reports regarding this situation … so it seems like a “ignore it and wait” problem – although the load average value is increased by these sleeping threads, it’s cosmetic. Which explains why the server didn’t seem to be running slowly even through the load average was so high.

Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 17:54:10 -0700
From: Paul Aurich 
Subject: Re: Possible bug report: kernel 6.5.0/6.5.1 high load when CIFS share is mounted (cifsd-cfid-laundromat in"D" state)

On 2023-09-19 13:23:44 -0500, Steve French wrote:
>On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 1:07 PM Tom Talpey <> wrote:
>> These changes are good, but I'm skeptical they will reduce the load
>> when the laundromat thread is actually running. All these do is avoid
>> creating it when not necessary, right?
>It does create half as many laundromat threads (we don't need
>laundromat on connection to IPC$) even for the Windows server target
>example, but helps more for cases where server doesn't support
>directory leases.

Perhaps the laundromat thread should be using msleep_interruptible()?

Using an interruptible sleep appears to prevent the thread from contributing
to the load average, and has the happy side-effect of removing the up-to-1s delay
when tearing down the tcon (since a7c01fa93ae, kthread_stop() will return
early triggered by kthread_stop).



Kubernetes / Containerd Image Pull Failure

We are in the process of moving our k8s environment from CentOS 7 to RHEL 8.8 hosts — which means the version of pretty much everything involved is being updated. All of the pods that use images from an internal registry fail to load. At first, we were thinking DNS resolution … but the test pods we spun up all resolved names appropriately.

2023-09-13 13:48:34 [root@k8s ~/]# kubectl describe pod data-sync-app-deployment-78d58f7cd4-4mlsb -n streams
  Type     Reason            Age                 From               Message
  ----     ------            ----                ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled         15m                 default-scheduler  Successfully assigned kstreams/data-sync-app-deployment-78d58f7cd4-4mlsb to ltrkarkvm1593-uos
  Normal   Pulled            15m                 kubelet            Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Created           15m                 kubelet            Created container filebeat
  Normal   Started           15m                 kubelet            Started container filebeat
  Normal   BackOff           15m (x3 over 15m)   kubelet            Back-off pulling image ""
  Warning  Failed            15m (x3 over 15m)   kubelet            Error: ImagePullBackOff
  Normal   Pulling           14m (x3 over 15m)   kubelet            Pulling image ""
  Warning  Failed            14m (x3 over 15m)   kubelet            Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": get registry endpoints: parse endpoint url: parse "": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon
  Warning  Failed            14m (x3 over 15m)   kubelet            Error: ErrImagePull
  Warning  DNSConfigForming  31s (x73 over 15m)  kubelet            Search Line limits were exceeded, some search paths have been omitted, the applied search line is: kstreams.s            vc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local

I have found “first path segment in URL cannot contain colon” in reference to Go — and some previous versions at that. There were all sorts of suggestions for working around the issue — escaping the colon, starting with “//”, adding single or double quotes around the string, downgrading to a version of Go not impacted by the problem. Nothing worked.

A few hours with no progress, I thought some time investigating “how can I work around this?” was in order. Kubernetes is using containerd … so it should be feasible to pre-stage the image in containerd and then set our imagePullPolicy values to IfNotPresent or Never

To pre-seed the images in containerd so that they are available for kubernetes run:

ctr image pull -u $REGISTRYUSER:$REGISTRYPASSWORD --plain-http

This must be run on every k8s worker in the environment — if a pod tries to spin up on server2 but you’ve only seeded the image file on server1 … the pod will fail to load. We need to update this staged image every time we make changes to the application. Better than not using the new servers, so that’ll just be the process for a while.

Ultimately, the problem ended up being that a few of the workers had a leading space in the TOML file for the repo — how that got there, I have no idea. But once there was no longer extraneous white-space, we could deploy the pods without issue. Now that it’s working “as designed”, we deleted the pre-seeded image using:

ctr images rm ImageNameHere

MongoDB: Changing Host in Replica Set

When we get replacement servers at work, they frequently build a new server with a temporary name and IP address with the plan of swapping the host name and IP with the decommed server. So my Server123 gets turned down, Server123-Temp gets renamed to Server123, and the IP from the old server is configured on the replacement. Everything is operating exactly as it was before even if the direct host name or IP address were used — great for not needing to update firewall rules and vpn profiles, but I encountered a bit of a problem with the MongoDB cluster.

When I initiated the replica set, I did not have to specify a host name. It pulled the host name from the system — which happily provided that temporary name that doesn’t really exist (it’s not in DNS). Which was fine — I could add the temporary name to /etc/hosts along with the future name that I’ve remapped to the current IP so my “new” VMs all talk to each other and the old servers don’t get mucked up.

But, eventually, I’d like the replica set to have the right names. Had I known about this ahead of time, I’d simply have changed the host name value on the box to be the permanent name, initialized the replica set, and returned the temporary name to the box. But I didn’t, and I didn’t really want to start from 0 with the database I’d restored. Luckily, it turns out there’s a process for re-creating the replica set without destroying the data.

First, edit the mongo.conf file and comment out the replica set block. Restart each server with the new config. Then delete the “local” database from each MongoDB server using mongo local --eval "db.dropDatabase()"

Uncomment the replica set block in mongo.conf and restart MongoDB again — initialize the replica set again (make sure the server “knows” it’s proper name first!)

Redis Continually Receiving SIGTERM

I brought up a redis cluster — three servers which all logged basically nothing apart from the fact they were about to shut down. The service status showed as “Activating” — never started — and the server wasn’t doing anything useful.

The redis log reads:

2920940:signal-handler (1694019281) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2921151:signal-handler (1694019374) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2921518:signal-handler (1694019468) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2921726:signal-handler (1694019561) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2922133:signal-handler (1694019655) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2922410:signal-handler (1694019748) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2923173:signal-handler (1694019842) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2923537:signal-handler (1694019935) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2923747:signal-handler (1694020029) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924110:signal-handler (1694020122) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924319:signal-handler (1694020216) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924687:signal-handler (1694020309) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2924900:signal-handler (1694020403) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2925266:signal-handler (1694020496) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2925467:signal-handler (1694020590) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...

Turns out this is a hazard of copy/pasting a unit file from an older server — evidently redis cannot use a service type of “Forking” with systemd. To resolve the issue, edit /etc/systemd/system/redis.service and updating the type to “simple”. Use systemctl daemon-reload and then systemctl restart redis to launch redis with the new config … voila, I’ve got a cluster of three servers that are started and communicating.

MongoDB: Increasing Log Level

We had a problem with an application accessing our MongoDB cluster, and the log files didn’t provide much useful information. I could see the client connect and disconnect … but nothing in between. I discovered that the default logging level is very low. Good for disk utilization and I/O, but not great for troubleshooting.

db.runCommand({getParameter: 1, logLevel: 1}) # Get the current logging level
db.setLogLevel(3) # Fairly robust logging
db.setLogLevel(5) # don't try this is prod huge stream of text super logging
db.setLogLevel(0) # and set logging back to a low level once you are done troubleshooting

You can also increase the log level for individual components of MongoDB to minimize logging I/O:

db.setLogLevel(2, "accessControl" )


Tableau: Workbooks and Views Created or Modified By a Specific Individual

I had a manager looking to locate a ‘something in Tableau’ that was created by a specific individual — in this case, it was a terminated employee so “just ask the person” was not a viable solution. I put together a query to list all workbooks owned by or modified by an individual:

SELECT,, w.description, w.owner_id, w.modified_by_user_id, AS owner_email, AS modifier_email
     FROM  public.workbooks AS w
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.users AS owner_users on w.owner_id =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.users AS modified_users ON w.owner_id =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.system_users AS owner_system_users ON = owner_users.system_user_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN public.system_users AS modified_system_users ON = modified_users.system_user_id
      WHERE = 'UserLogonID';
--      WHERE LIKE '%Smith%' OR = '%Smith%'

As well as a query to identify all views owned by an individual:

SELECT views.*, AS owner_email
     FROM  public.views 
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.users AS owner_users on views.owner_id =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN public.system_users AS owner_system_users ON = owner_users.system_user_id

      WHERE = 'UserLogonID';
--      WHERE LIKE '%Smith%' OR = '%Smith%'

The email address based search is most reasonable — our email addresses are algorithmically based on our names, so we always know what the address would have been. Many contractors, however, don’t have Office 365 licenses or mailboxes … so I have to fall back to finding their logon ID in those cases.