Tag: Active Directory

Finding Active Directory Global Catalog Servers

… or domain controllers, or kerberos, or …

Back when I managed the Active Directory environment, I’d have developers ask where they should direct traffic. Now, since it was all LDAP, I did the right thing and got a load balanced virtual IP built out so they had “ad.example.com” on port 636 & all of my DCs had SAN’s on their SSL certs so ad.example.com was valid. But! It’s not always that easy — especially if you are looking for something like the global catalog servers. Or no such VIP exists. Luckily, the fact people are logging into the domain tells you that you can ask the internal DNS servers to give you all of this good info. Because domain controllers register service records in DNS.

These are the registrations for all servers regardless of associated site.

_ldap: The LDAP service record is used for locating domain controllers that provide directory services over LDAP.

_kerberos: This record is used for locating domain controllers that provide Kerberos authentication services.

_kpasswd: The kpasswd service record is used for finding domain controllers that can handle Kerberos principal password changes.

_gc: The Global Catalog service record is used for locating domain controllers that have the Global Catalog role.

_ldap._tcp.pdc: If you need to identify which domain controller holds the PDC emulator operations master role.

You can also find global catalog, Kerberos, and LDAP service records registered in individual sites. For all servers specific to a site, you need to use _tcp.SiteName._sites.example.com instead.

Example — return all GC’s specific to the site named “SiteXYZ”:
dig _gc._tcp.SiteXYZ._sites.example.com SRV

If you are using Windows, first enter “set type=SRV” to return service records and then query for the specific service record you want to view:

Default Server: dns123.example.com

> set type=SRV
> _gc._tcp.SiteXYZ._sites.example.com
Server:  dns123.example.com

_gc._tcp.SiteXYZ._sites.example.com SRV service location:
          priority       = 0
          weight         = 100
          port           = 3268
          svr hostname   = addc032.example.com

Determining Active Directory Version

We have a number of applications that authenticate to Active Directory. Invariably, when there are authentication issues, the vendor support person asks “what version of AD is this?” … not an unreasonable question, but also not something the person who supports Application XYZ is apt to know in a larger company. Fortunately, there are a few places within the directory that you can find details about AD versions.

The simplest is the version of Windows the domain controllers are running … although it’s possible domain controllers have been upgraded but the AD functional level has not yet been changed.

ldapsearch -h ad.example.com -D "ldapquery@example.com" -w "P@s54LD@pQu3ry" -p389 -b "ou=domain controllers,dc=example,dc=com" "(&(objectClass=computer))" operatingSystem

CN=dc007,OU=Domain Controllers,dc=example,DC=com
operatingSystem=Windows Server 2019 Datacenter

CN=dc008,OU=Domain Controllers,dc=example,DC=com
operatingSystem=Windows Server 2019 Datacenter

CN=dc020,OU=Domain Controllers,dc=example,DC=com
operatingSystem=Windows Server 2019 Datacenter

CN=dc021,OU=Domain Controllers,dc=example,DC=com
operatingSystem=Windows Server 2019 Datacenter


You can also find the objectVersion of the schema:

ldapsearch -h ad.example.com -D "ldapquery@example.com" -w "P@s54LD@pQu3ry" -p389 -b "cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com" "(&(objectVersion=*))" objectVersion


What does 88 mean? It depends! Either Windows 2019 or 2022

Version Operating System
13 Windows 2000 Server
30 Windows Server 2003 (Before R2)
31 Windows Server 2003 R2
44 Windows Server 2008 (Before R2)
47 Windows Server 2008 R2
56 Windows Server 2012
69 Windows Server 2012 R2
87 Windows Server 2016
88 Windows Server 2019
88 Windows Server 2022


Or the functional level of the forest and its partitions:

ldapsearch -H ldap://ad.example.com -D "ldapquery@example.com" -w "P@s54LD@pQu3ry" -b "cn=partitions,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com" "(&(MSDS-Behavior-Version=*))" MSDS-Behavior-Version

dn: CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com
msDS-Behavior-Version: 7

dn: CN=EXAMPLE,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com
msDS-Behavior-Version: 7

What does 7 mean? Well, that depends too. It’s either Windows 2016 or 2019!

msDS-Behavior-Version Forest
Domain Domain Controller
0 2000 2000 Mixed / Native 2000
1 2003 Interim 2003 Interim N/A
2 2003 2003 2003
3 2008 2008 2008
4 2008 R2 2008 R2 2008 R2
5 2012 2012 2012
6 2012 R2 2012 R2 2012 R2
7 2016 2016 2016
7 2019 2019 2019


PowerShell: Mass Active Directory Password Changes

We have a bunch of accounts that function as extra mailboxes — all conveniently housed in on OU. The following PowerShell command sets the password for all of the accounts in one go. Not terribly useful for “real world” use … but useful for testing (and probably something I’ll end up using again)

$OUpath = ‘ou=Mail Aliases,dc=example,dc=com’
$strNewPassword = “What3v3rYu0W@nt1tT0B3”

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $OUpath | Set-ADAccountPassword -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $strNewPassword -Force)

Exchange Disaster Recovery

I guess with everyone moving to magic cloudy pay-per-month Exchange, this isn’t such a concern anymore … but for those still running on-premise Exchange:

(1) Before you can restore your AD system state, you’ve got to build a server & bring up a temporary domain. There’s a “System Configuration” program that lets you select to restart in safe mode / directory services restore mode without having to time the F8 key or anything.

(2) The system state backup of a domain controller backs up a lot of stuff — including the registry which tells the server what software is installed and services. This means it is not possible to just run the Exchange setup.exe with the disaster recovery option. Fortunately, I was able to copy the Exchange folder from program files off of a backup. Unfortunately, the Exchange services wouldn’t start because DLLs couldn’t register. Did a diff between old server backup & new one — copied any missing stuff from c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\syswow64 and, voila, Exchange is starting. Couldn’t mount the ebd file, though …

(3) Which brings me to eseutil an attempt to replay the transaction logs (eseutil /r) and then repair the database as much as possible (eseutil /p) got me an EDB file that the Exchange server could mount.

Dynamically determining AD Page Size

Question — is it possible to dynamically determine the maximum page size when communicating with AD via LDAP? Since the page size (1) changed between versions and (2) can be user-customized … a guess is sub-optimal.

Answer — yes. If only the default query policy is used, search at
CN=Default Query Policy,CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,*domain naming context* (e.g.
CN=Default Query Policy,CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com) with a filter like “(&(cn=*))”

Return the ldapAdminLimits attribute. Parse MaxPageSize out of the attribute:

lDAPAdminLimits (13): MaxValRange=1500; MaxReceiveBuffer=10485760; MaxDatagramRecv=4096; MaxPoolThreads=4; MaxResultSetSize=262144; MaxTempTableSize=10000; MaxQueryDuration=120; **MaxPageSize=1000**; MaxNotificationPerConn=5; MaxActiveQueries=20; MaxConnIdleTime=900; InitRecvTimeout=120; MaxConnections=5000;

To find all of the query policies, search at CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,*domain naming context* for (&(objectClass=queryPolicy)) … either research a lot about query policies and figure out how to determine which applies to your connection or take the lowest value and know you’re safe.

LDAP Authentication: PHP and Active Directory

This is a very brief function that authenticates a user against Active Directory. Because you can authenticate using a fully qualified DN, sAMAccountName, or userPrincipalName … there’s no need to use a system credential or search for the user provided you’ve got a single domain in your forest (i.e. you know what to prepend to the sAMAccountName or postpend to userPrincipalName).

If you need to perform authorization as well as authentication, you’ll need the user’s FQDN so use the generic LDAP authentication and authorization function.

    #=== FUNCTION ==================================================================
    #      NAME: activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication
    #      PARAMETERS: 
    #                    $strLDAPHost                   String  LDAP Server URI
    #                    $strLogonUserID                String  Input user ID
    #                    $strLogonUserPassword          String  Input user password
    #     DESCRIPTION: Verify authentication againt Active Directory server.
    #     RETURNS: int BindReturnCode:    -2 indicates LDAP connection failure, -3 indicates user auth not attempted, >=0 is IANA-registered resultCode values (https://www.iana.org/assignments/ldap-parameters/ldap-parameters.xml#ldap-parameters-6)
    #							NOTE: 0 is successful authentication in IANA-registered resultCode
    #     USAGE: $iBindResult = activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication("ldaps://ad.example.com", $strInputUserName, $strInputUserPassword)
    function activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication($strLDAPHost, $strLogonUserID, $strLogonUserPassword){
        $iBindReturnCode = null;
        // Validate password is not null, otherwise directory servers implementing unauthenticated bind (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-5.1.2) will return 0 on auth attempts with null password
        if( strlen($strLogonUserPassword) < 1){
            $iBindReturnCode = -1;
            $userDS = ldap_connect($strLDAPHost);
                ldap_set_option($userDS, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);

                $userBind = ldap_bind($userDS, $strLogonUserID . '@example.com', $strLogonUserPassword);
                $iBindReturnCode = ldap_errno($userDS);
            // ldap connection failed
                $iBindReturnCode = -2;              
        return $iBindReturnCode;

    $iBadUser = activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication("ldaps://ad.example.com", "xe0012345", 'N0tTh3P@s5w0rd');
    print "\nInvalid user: $iBadUser\n";

    $iUserAuthenticated = activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication("ldaps://ad.example.com", "e012345", 'Go0dP@s5w0rdH3r3');
    print "\nGood password: $iUserAuthenticated\n";

    $iBadPassword = activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication("ldaps://ad.example.com", "e0012345", 'N0tTh3P@s5w0rd');
    print "\nBad password: $iBadPassword\n";

    $iBadHost = activeDirectoryLDAPAuthentication("ldaps://abc.example.com", "e0012345", 'N0tTh3P@s5w0rd');
    print "\nBad host: $iBadHost\n";


Identifying System-Only AD Attributes

This information is specific to Active Directory. MSDN has documentation for each schema attribute — e.g. CN — which documents if the attribute is “system only” or not.

For an automated process, search at the base cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com with the filter (&(ldapDisplayName=AttributeName))and return the value of systemOnly. E.G. this shows that operatingSystemServicePack is user writable.

ldap_search_s(ld, "cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com", 2, "(&(ldapDisplayName=operatingSystemServicePack))", attrList,  0, &msg)
Getting 1 entries:
Dn: CN=Operating-System-Service-Pack,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
systemOnly: FALSE; 

You can also list all of the system-only attributes by using the filter (&(systemOnly=TRUE)) and returning ldapDisplayName

ldap_search_s(ld, "cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com", 2, "(&(systemOnly=TRUE))", attrList,  0, &msg)
Getting 189 entries:
Dn: CN=OM-Object-Class,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: oMObjectClass; 

Dn: CN=Canonical-Name,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: canonicalName; 

Dn: CN=Managed-Objects,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: managedObjects; 

Dn: CN=MAPI-ID,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: mAPIID; 

Dn: CN=Mastered-By,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: masteredBy; 

Dn: CN=Top,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: top; 

Dn: CN=NTDS-DSA-RO,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: nTDSDSARO; 

Dn: CN=Application-Process,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
lDAPDisplayName: applicationProcess; 


Finding Disabled Accounts In Active Directory

When using Active Directory (AD) as a source of user data, it’s useful to filter out disabled accounts. Unfortunately, AD has a lot of different security-related settings glomed together in the userAccountControl attribute. Which means there’s no single attribute/value combination you can use to ignore disabled accounts.

The decimal value you see for userAccountControl isn’t terribly useful, but display it in binary and each bit position has a meaning. The userAccountControl value is just the number with a bunch of bits set. Numbering the bits from left to right, here is what each one means.

Bit # Meaning
0 Unused – must be 0
1 Unused – must be 0
2 Unused – must be 0
3 Unused – must be 0
4 Unused – must be 0
14 Unused – must be 0
16 Unused – must be 0
17 Unused – must be 0
21 Unused – must be 0
23 Unused – must be 0
29 Unused – must be 0
31 Unused – must be 0

Bit #30 indicates if the account is disabled — 1 if the account is disabled, 0 if the account is enabled. Simple and direct approach is to “and” the attribute value with 0b10 to extract just the bit we care about. When the and operation returns 0, the account is enabled. When it returns 2 (0x10), the account is disabled.

A list of userAccountControl values and the corresponding meaning:

userAccountControl Value Meaning
1 Logon script executes
2 Account Disabled
8 Home Directory Required
16 Lockout
32 Password Not Required
64 User cannot change password
128 Encrypted text password not allowed
256 Temporary Duplicate Account
512 Normal active account
514 Normal disabled account
544 Password not required, enabled account
546 Password not required, disabled account
2048 Inter-domain trust account
4096 Workstation trust account
8192 Server trust account
65536 No password expiry
66048 Password never expires, enabled account
66050 Password never expires, disabled account
66082 Password never expires and is not required, enabled account
66084 Password never expires and is not required, disabled account
131072 MNS Login account
262144 Smartcard required
262656 Smartcard required, enabled account
262658 Smartcard required, disabled account
262688 Enabled account, password not required, smartcard required
262690 Disabled account, password not required, smartcard required
328192 Enabled account, password doesn’t expire, smartcard required
328194 Disabled account, password doesn’t expire, smartcard required
328224 Enabled account, password doesn’t expire, password not required, smartcard required
328226 Disabled account, password doesn’t expire, password not required, smartcard required
524288 Trusted for delegation
532480 Domain controller
1048576 Not delegated
2097152 Use DES key only
4194304 Don’t require pre-authorization
8388608 Password expired
16777216 Trusted to auth for delegation
67108864 Partial secrets account


Preventing Unauthenticated Binds in Active Directory

There is finally a Windows server-side solution to prevent “unauthenticated bind” requests (detailed in LDAP RFC 4513 section 5.1.2 with a note regarding the subsequent security considerations in section 6.3.1) from allowing unauthorized users to successfully authenticate.

It has always been possible to handle in code (i.e. verify that username and password are both non-null prior to communicating with the directory server) and is my personal preference as a developer cannot predict how individual directory services will be configured.

But for the third-party apps that don’t prevent unauthenticated binds, a setting to disallow unauthenticated bind operations to Active Directory was added in Windows 2019 — in your Configuration partition, open the properties of CN=Directory Service, CN=Windows NT, CN=Services, CN=Configuration — find the msDS-Other-Settings attribute, and add a new entry DenyUnauthenticatedBind=1

Using LDP To Browse Active Directory

One of the RSAT tools, ldp.exe, can be quite useful if you are trying to interact with Active Directory via LDAP but don’t know anything about the domain.

From “Connection”, chose “Connect”. Most domain controllers have A records registered for the domain name, so you can connect to the domain name.

Active Directory generally prohibits anonymous read, so you’ll need to bind to the directory. From “Connection”, chose “Bind”. If your computer is logged into the domain, you can select “Bind as currently logged on user”. If not, select “Bind with credentials” — in addition to the fully qualified DN of an account, AD allows you to bind with both userPrincipalName and sAMAccountName. userPrincipalName is userid@<domain.name> and sAMAccountName is domain\userid.

Now that you’ve logged into the domain, you can select “View” and “Tree”. If you leave the BaseDN blank, LDP will find the root of the directory partition.

Voila, you’ll see your domain. You can click around, or right-click the root of the domain and select “Search”. Look for something generic like “(&(objectClass=person))” to find user accounts. You’ll be able to see what attributes are used for what data.

Additionally, at the top of the window, you’ll see the hostname of the domain controller you are using and the root base DN for the domain.