Month: June 2023

NEO4J: Adding Indices

Like SQL-based databases, you can create indices in Neo4j to optimize frequently performed searches. In my particular case, I am usually searching by the plant name. Adding an index on the plant’s name, therefore, makes sense:

CREATE INDEX index_tomato_name IF NOT EXISTS
ON (

I am also interested in mapping the genetic lineage, so I’ve added indices for the male and female parent plants:

CREATE INDEX index_tomato_parentm IF NOT EXISTS
for ()-[r:PARENT_M]-()
on (

CREATE INDEX index_tomato_parentf IF NOT EXISTS
for ()-[r:PARENT_F]-()
on (


Hypothetically, you can use the procedure CALL db.indexes(); to view all of the indices in a database, but SHOW PROCEDURES; shows me that procedure isn’t registered in the community edition.

│name                                                     │description                                                           │mode   │worksOnSystem│
│"db.awaitIndex"                                          │"Wait for an index to come online (for example: CALL db.awaitIndex(\"M│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │yIndex\", 300))."                                                     │       │             │
│"db.awaitIndexes"                                        │"Wait for all indexes to come online (for example: CALL db.awaitIndexe│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │s(300))."                                                             │       │             │
│"db.clearQueryCaches"                                    │"Clears all query caches."                                            │"DBMS" │true         │
│"db.createLabel"                                         │"Create a label"                                                      │"WRITE"│false        │
│"db.createProperty"                                      │"Create a Property"                                                   │"WRITE"│false        │
│"db.createRelationshipType"                              │"Create a RelationshipType"                                           │"WRITE"│false        │
│"db.index.fulltext.awaitEventuallyConsistentIndexRefresh"│"Wait for the updates from recently committed transactions to be appli│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │ed to any eventually-consistent full-text indexes."                   │       │             │
│"db.index.fulltext.listAvailableAnalyzers"               │"List the available analyzers that the full-text indexes can be config│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │ured with."                                                           │       │             │
│"db.index.fulltext.queryNodes"                           │"Query the given full-text index. Returns the matching nodes, and thei│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │r Lucene query score, ordered by score. Valid keys for the options map│       │             │
│                                                         │ are: 'skip' to skip the top N results; 'limit' to limit the number of│       │             │
│                                                         │ results returned; 'analyzer' to use the specified analyzer as search │       │             │
│                                                         │analyzer for this query."                                             │       │             │
│"db.index.fulltext.queryRelationships"                   │"Query the given full-text index. Returns the matching relationships, │"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │and their Lucene query score, ordered by score. Valid keys for the opt│       │             │
│                                                         │ions map are: 'skip' to skip the top N results; 'limit' to limit the n│       │             │
│                                                         │umber of results returned; 'analyzer' to use the specified analyzer as│       │             │
│                                                         │ search analyzer for this query."                                     │       │             │
│""                                                │"Provides information regarding the database."                        │"READ" │true         │
│"db.labels"                                              │"List all available labels in the database."                          │"READ" │true         │
│""                                                │"This procedure can be used by client side tooling to test whether the│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │y are correctly connected to a database. The procedure is available in│       │             │
│                                                         │ all databases and always returns true. A faulty connection can be det│       │             │
│                                                         │ected by not being able to call this procedure."                      │       │             │
│"db.prepareForReplanning"                                │"Triggers an index resample and waits for it to complete, and after th│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │at clears query caches. After this procedure has finished queries will│       │             │
│                                                         │ be planned using the latest database statistics."                    │       │             │
│"db.propertyKeys"                                        │"List all property keys in the database."                             │"READ" │true         │
│"db.relationshipTypes"                                   │"List all available relationship types in the database."              │"READ" │true         │
│"db.resampleIndex"                                       │"Schedule resampling of an index (for example: CALL db.resampleIndex(\│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │"MyIndex\"))."                                                        │       │             │
│"db.resampleOutdatedIndexes"                             │"Schedule resampling of all outdated indexes."                        │"READ" │true         │
│"db.schema.nodeTypeProperties"                           │"Show the derived property schema of the nodes in tabular form."      │"READ" │true         │
│"db.schema.relTypeProperties"                            │"Show the derived property schema of the relationships in tabular form│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │."                                                                    │       │             │
│"db.schema.visualization"                                │"Visualizes the schema of the data based on available statistics. A ne│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │w node is returned for each label. The properties represented on the n│       │             │
│                                                         │ode include: `name` (label name), `indexes` (list of indexes), and `co│       │             │
│                                                         │nstraints` (list of constraints). A relationship of a given type is re│       │             │
│                                                         │turned for all possible combinations of start and end nodes. The prope│       │             │
│                                                         │rties represented on the relationship include: `name` (type name). Not│       │             │
│                                                         │e that this may include additional relationships that do not exist in │       │             │
│                                                         │the data due to the information available in the count store. "       │       │             │
│"db.stats.clear"                                         │"Clear collected data of a given data section. Valid sections are 'QUE│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │RIES'"                                                                │       │             │
│"db.stats.collect"                                       │"Start data collection of a given data section. Valid sections are 'QU│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │ERIES'"                                                               │       │             │
│"db.stats.retrieve"                                      │"Retrieve statistical data about the current database. Valid sections │"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │are 'GRAPH COUNTS', 'TOKENS', 'QUERIES', 'META'"                      │       │             │
│"db.stats.retrieveAllAnonymized"                         │"Retrieve all available statistical data about the current database, i│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │n an anonymized form."                                                │       │             │
│"db.stats.status"                                        │"Retrieve the status of all available collector daemons, for this data│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │base."                                                                │       │             │
│"db.stats.stop"                                          │"Stop data collection of a given data section. Valid sections are 'QUE│"READ" │true         │
│                                                         │RIES'"                                                                │       │             │
│"dbms.cluster.routing.getRoutingTable"                   │"Returns the advertised bolt capable endpoints for a given database, d│"DBMS" │true         │
│                                                         │ivided by each endpoint's capabilities. For example an endpoint may se│       │             │
│                                                         │rve read queries, write queries and/or future getRoutingTable requests│       │             │
│                                                         │."                                                                    │       │             │
│"dbms.components"                                        │"List DBMS components and their versions."                            │"DBMS" │true         │
│""                                              │"Provides information regarding the DBMS."                            │"DBMS" │true         │
│"dbms.killConnection"                                    │"Kill network connection with the given connection id."               │"DBMS" │true         │
│"dbms.killConnections"                                   │"Kill all network connections with the given connection ids."         │"DBMS" │true         │
│"dbms.listCapabilities"                                  │"List capabilities"                                                   │"DBMS" │true         │
│"dbms.listConfig"                                        │"List the currently active config of Neo4j."                          │"DBMS" │true         │
│"dbms.listConnections"                                   │"List all accepted network connections at this instance that are visib│"DBMS" │true         │
│                                                         │le to the user."                                                      │       │             │
│"dbms.queryJmx"                                          │"Query JMX management data by domain and name. For instance, \"*:*\"" │"DBMS" │true         │
│"dbms.routing.getRoutingTable"                           │"Returns the advertised bolt capable endpoints for a given database, d│"DBMS" │true         │
│                                                         │ivided by each endpoint's capabilities. For example an endpoint may se│       │             │
│                                                         │rve read queries, write queries and/or future getRoutingTable requests│       │             │
│                                                         │."                                                                    │       │             │
│"dbms.upgrade"                                           │"Upgrade the system database schema if it is not the current schema." │"WRITE"│true         │
│"dbms.upgradeStatus"                                     │"Report the current status of the system database sub-graph schema."  │"READ" │true         │
│"tx.getMetaData"                                         │"Provides attached transaction metadata."                             │"DBMS" │true         │
│"tx.setMetaData"                                         │"Attaches a map of data to the transaction. The data will be printed w│"DBMS" │false        │
│                                                         │hen listing queries, and inserted into the query log."                │       │             │

NEO4J: Searching

Returning data from NEO4J is matching — we can match a node using MATCH p=(a:TOMATO {name: 'Black Krim'}) return p;

where the object “p” becomes a set of nodes labeled with ‘TOMATO’ where the value of ‘name’ is ‘Black Krim’

More advanced matches set the return object to a set of nodes and relationships — here we set p to the set of items starting at the node labeled TOMATO with name ‘PLANT0’ with relationships and nodes until you get to a node labeled TOMATO with name ‘Tomato0000007’

MATCH p=(a:TOMATO {name: 'PLANT0'})-[*]->(b:TOMATO {name: 'Tomato0000007'}) RETURN p