Tag: shell executor

Setting up gitlab-runner

CLI on the GitLab server:

# Set up the GitLab Repo
curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-runner/script.rpm.sh

# Install package
yum install gitlab-runner

# verify runner is executable
ll `which gitlab-runner`
# If needed, flag it executable – shouldn’t be a problem with RPM installations, but it’s been a problem for me with manual installs
#chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner

# Register a runner
gitlab-runner register

# use URL & token from http://<GITLABSERVER>/admin/runners
# add tags, if you want to use tags to assign runner
# executor: shell (and docker, if you want to use docker executors. The shell executor is the simplest case, so I am starting there)

# start the runner
gitlab-runner start

On the GitLab Web GUI:

Admin section => Overview => Runners. Click pencil to edit the runner and uncheck “Lock to current projects”, and (unless you want to use tagging) check “Run untagged jobs”

** I was getting an error in every pipeline job saying the git command was not found.

For most other commands, you can append to the path in the before_script section of your .gitlab-ci.yml

– export PATH=$PATH:/opt/whatever/odd/path/bin

But that doesn’t work in this case because we’re not getting that far: the bootstrap “stuff” cannot fetch the project to see the before script. Git, on my system, was part of the GitLab package. I just created a symlink into a “normal” binary location:

root@gitlab:~# which git
root@gitlab:~# ln -s /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git /usr/bin/git

And we’ve got successful test execution: