Tag: sharepoint online

Did you know … you can link SharePoint Lists?

There is a lot of nicely self-contained data – I track usage and membership stats to track adoption and predict future capacity needs, and a single list contains everything I need to know. But sometimes it’s not possible to keep complete records in a single table – two different processes update the information, and there is a need to isolate access to the more confidential information. As an example, I have a process that updates employee e-mail addresses in PeopleSoft. I don’t have any reason to read employee evaluations or payroll information. Even where it is possible, it can be inefficient. Data duplication can be eliminated by keeping the information in separate tables.

In a relational database, this is called normalization. Instead of maintaining a single table with orders where the customer’s name, address, contact person, phone number, etc are stored on every single order … you create a table with order-specific data (what did they order, how many, how much did it cost) and include a single column for customer number. Another table has the customer number and their contact information. If the customer moves their office, you don’t have to go through and update hundreds of orders – just go into the customer table and update their record. All orders will use the new address. To retrieve an amalgamated record, use JOIN in the query (or create a view using a JOIN query).

You can do something similar with SharePoint lists. As an example, I will use lists with customer contact information and a list with orders. First, we need a list with customer information. Add an index for the column that will be used to find the customer record – in this case, it is CustomerID. Click on “Indexed columns”.

Click “Create a new index”

Select the column to index and click “Create”

You now have an index – something to speed up searching your list for CustomerID.

We’ll also need a list with customer orders. Create all of the columns that aren’t populated by lookup *or* the field on which the lookup occurs. Then Add lookup column using “Add Column” and selecting “More”

Name it & select “lookup” as the data type.

Some of the column settings will depend on your particular use case. Requiring data: are there going to be orders where the site isn’t known yet? Should the values be unique (in this case, no, since I hope my customers return and place a second order!).

From the “Get information from” drop-down, select the table that stores the associated information. The page will reload; from the “In this column” drop-down select the value you want to store in this lookup column – what information is being cross-referenced? Here, it’s the customer ID number. Then check all of the columns you want to populate based on the lookup field. Here, I’m pulling in the customer’s name and mailing address details.

I specifically configure this table’s records not to be deleted if the record gets pulled from the lookup table. Again, this will depend on your use case. Hit OK to create the column.

When creating a new record, you won’t even see the columns we’ve checked above – there will be a drop-down where you can select the data on which the lists are correlated.

When you save the record, the remaining columns display information from the customer information table.

What if you don’t want a drop-down with ten thousand customer numbers? (A perfectly reasonable request – I’ve loaded a few thousand customers in my list and there’s no way I want to scroll through all of those numbers and hope to get the right one).

You can turn the drop-down list into a searchable drop-down by using PowerApps to customize the input form. Click the not-quite-a-hamburger menu between the list name and “List” and select “Settings”

On the settings page, select “Form settings”

Click the “Customize in PowerApps” hyperlink.

Wait a minute as the new app is built.

In the right-hand tool bar, find the “Fields” section and click “Edit”.

On the menu that flies out to the left, click on “Add fields”

Select the fields for the input form and click “Add”

The drop-down box in PowerApps is searchable

In the ribbon bar, select “File”

Click “Save” to save the app

When the app has saved, click “Publish to SharePoint”

You will see a warning that publishing the app to SharePoint makes it visible to anyone who uses your list. Click to continue publishing the app to SharePoint.

Verify that the app is published successfully.

Click “Back to SharePoint” to return to your list.

In the list settings, verify that the custom form is selected for your list.

On the data entry card, you will see that the drop-down is now searchable.

When you type some text into the drop-down, you will see a filtered list of options.

** This works provided the list against which the lookup is performed (in this example, my customer list) contains 5,000 or fewer records. If you see an error like this, then you’ve exceeded 5,000 records in the lookup table.

There are a few options – the generally recommendation from Microsoft is to break the list into multiple lists. This may mean breaking the data into different, unrelated lists. Or it may mean establishing a parent/child list relationship (e.g. a customer list that has multiple entries per customer reflecting their various offices could be a parent list of customers and a list for each customer reflecting their sites). You may be able to use a view, filtered to a subset of records, for data entry. Writing a custom web input form and using the SharePoint REST API to read and write data would allow you to populate the searchable drop-down with data retrieved from the lookup target (in this case my customer table) – as the column is indexed, the threshold should not be exceeded as you search.


Did you know … you can perform CRUD operations on SharePoint Lists?

Not crud like “ugg, that’s a bunch of crud … let’s load it up in a SharePoint list to store it forever!” – that wouldn’t make sense at all. In programming-speak, CRUD is an abbreviation for Create, Update, Read, Delete – the basic types of operations for data storage. And you can create, update, read, and delete SharePoint list items through the REST API.

First, you’ll need a list. Here, I am using a sample list that has columns for SiteID, MailingAddress, City, State, and ZipCode – the usual information if you’re going to use a LOOKUP column to correlate a location in a record with address details for the location (i.e. there’s no reason to type 1925 Enterprise Parkway and such in every order you want to ship to the Twinsburg office).

And you need some sort of code that communicates with the REST API – something that sends HTTPS calls. In the example code, I am using Python. Functions, along with example code to use those functions can be found at https://github.com/ljr55555/spoRestAPICRUD. Clone the repository locally.

You will find a config.sample – I use this as a template for storing user-specific configuration parameters. Copy config.sample to config.py and edit config.py. The actual config.py is included in the .gitignore file, so retrieving updates from the repository won’t wipe our your settings.

There are a handful of values you will need to set. Most of the values you can get from your list’s web address. Open your list in the web browser of your choice and find the information in the address line:

There are three values we need to extract from this URL – the SharePoint tenant address, your SharePoint site name, and the list name

Edit config.py and modify the following variables with your list-specific information

strConnectURL = “tenant.sharepoint.com

strContextURI = “https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/SiteName/_api/contextinfo”

strListInfoURI = “https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/SiteName/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListName‘)”

Then you need some credentials – this config file will need to be updated when the account password changes, so you may wish to use a non-user account with a very long password that changes less often.

Obviously, typing a username and password in clear text is a bad idea. I’m using simplecrypt to keep an encrypted password in the config file which is decrypted using a key in the script file. Anyone who obtains both files can decrypt the password – in my production code, the key comes from another location to reduce the probability of someone accessing the key file.

Use stashStringForConfig.py to generate the string to use for the username and password values – change strKey to match whatever you are using for your key, and change strString to your user id. Run the script and copy the output into your config.py file. Change strString to your password and repeat the process.

C:\ljr\git\spoRestAPICRUD>python stashStringForConfig.py


That’s it for configuration – at this point, if you have a list with the same columns I do, you can run the script.

Voila, records!

What’s the script doing? Well – CRUD, of course!

Connecting To SharePoint Online – I am using a modified version of sharepy which can be found in the develop branch of my fork of the repository. This is a requests wrapper that handles authentication to SharePoint Online. The connection, in my script, is named spoConnection. The arguments supplied are sourced from config.py

spoConnection = sharepy.connect(strConnectURI,strUID,strPass)

Creation – You need a dictionary with your data. The required metadata type value is retrieved from your list. The remaining key:value pairs in the dictionary are the column names and record values, respectively.

{“__metadata”: { “type”: strListItemEntityTypeFullName}, “Title”: “Bedford Office”, “SiteID”: ‘123456’, “MailingAddress”: “17500 Rockside Road”, “City”: “Bedford”, “State”: “OH”, “ZipCode”: “44146”}

The writeNewRecord function will insert the record into your list. The dictionary containing my record is called strBody (because it ends up being the HTTP POST body).

iNewRecordResult = writeNewRecord(spoConnection, strContextURI, strListDataURI, strBody)

Read – Now that we have records, we can retrieve the full list or filter to find specific records. To find all records, run findSPRecord – the arguments are the SharePoint connection and the URI for the list.

jsonResult = findSPRecord(spoConnection, strListDataURI)

If you want to return a filtered subset of data, add the column on which to filter, the filter operator, and the value. You can construct more complex ODATA filters – see the ODATA query operations supported in the SharePoint REST API for more information.

jsonResult = findSPRecord(spoConnection, strListDataURI, “SiteID”, “eq”, “234567”)

Update – I intentionally included incorrect data in one of my create lines – the Twinsburg office isn’t in Rochester NY! To update a record, you need it’s internal ID number. The findSPRecordID function has the same parameters as findSPRecord, but instead of returning the full record, it returns the integer record ID.

iRecordToUpdate = findSPRecordID(spoConnection, strListDataURI, “SiteID”, “eq”, “345678”)

Now that we have a record number, we also need a dictionary with the new values. Values that are not changing do not need to be included – just anything value you want to update. As with the record creation, the metadata type is determined programmatically.

dictRecordPatch = {“__metadata”: { “type”: strListItemEntityTypeFullName}, ‘Title’: “Rochester Office”}

And then updateRecord is called to write the new information into the selected record.

iRecordPatchResult = updateRecord(spoConnection, strContextURI, strListDataURI, dictRecordPatch)

Delete – Delete operations are similar to update operations – you need to find the internal record ID number to delete it. There’s no validation – nothing checks that the City for item #x is Rochester.

iDeletionResult = deleteRecord(spoConnection, strContextURI, strListDataURI, iRecordToDelete)

By combining CRUD operations, you can use a SharePoint list as a user-created and user-administered database. SharePoint still stores its information in a Microsoft SQL database, and going through the REST API to interact with your data adds overhead … so this isn’t a good approach for someone with an enormous data set where views would speed up data access or complex join operations are warranted. But for someone with fairly straight-forward database requirements, you may be able to do-it-yourself using SharePoint lists.


SharePoint Column Naming Inconsistency

I have been interfacing with SharePoint list data via the REST API and assumed the name I typed onto the column was, well, the column’s name. It’s not!

In the ‘normal’ view, click ‘Add column’ and add a column.

Switch to “Quick edit” view.

Add a column using the “+” symbol.

What do we have? The columns look like they have the names I’ve supplied through either method. But … hover your mouse over the column and check out the URL for the column.

While the ones added using “Add Column” are named exactly what I typed, the ones added in quick edit have four-character pseudo-random strings instead of the name I typed.





For GUI access to your data, this is immaterial – the friendly name displays on forms; but, when you are accessing data via the REST API, you must use the internal field name and not the display name you think is assigned to the column. It took me a long time to figure out why my REST call kept saying there was no field “uid” when I could clearly see a column with that name in my list.


SharePoint Rest API Does Not Allow Unindexed Queries

I’ve been developing code templates for CRUD operations (that’s a real acronym — Create, Read, Update, Delete) against SharePoint — we need to use SharePoint lists to replace database tables. Retrieving information worked fine until I tried to filter the data through the REST call. SharePoint throws a generic error about exceeding some admin-set limit. (1) I know the limit, I can see the limit. The limit is 5,000, and I know my filtered result set is 121 records. WAY lower than 5,000. Oh, and (2) I can run the query without the filter — I’m paging it! — and read all 29,887 records so what does the limit have to do with anything? Reasoning with an HTTP response … well, doesn’t work. No matter how unassailable my argument is, the API call still returned:

    {"code":"-2147024860, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQueryThrottledException",
       "value":"The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list 
                view threshold enforced by the administrator."}}}

It is, it turns out, a poorly worded error. I started thinking about the query limits on my LDAP servers — we have hard limits to operations and also require most people perform queries against indexed attributes. It’s computationally expensive to search through unindexed attributes (and the Right Thing To Do, generally speaking, is add an index for something that is a frequent query target). I wondered if there was an analogous “no unindexed queries” setting in SharePoint. Quick enough to test — add an index on the column(s) you use in the filter. In the site content listing, click the sideways hamburger menu by the list name. Select “Settings”

Scroll down to Index Columns and click the hyperlink.

Click ‘Create a new index’

Wait for the index process to complete, then try the filtered request again … I’ve got data! Evidently SharePoint ODATA filter queries to the REST API need to be performed against indexed columns. I’m sure Microsoft has that documented somewhere but quite a bit of Googling didn’t get me anywhere … so I’m posting this in case anyone else encounters the same error.

Did you know … you can be notified when changed are made to a SharePoint Online Wiki?

My group has started using a SharePoint Online Wiki – it’s a quick way to have an aesthetically pleasing knowledge base, but I’d rather not have to check “Updated Pages” periodically to see if there’s new content. Configuring SharePoint to notify me when new pages are added (or existing pages updated) avoids needing to check for new content.

From the Wiki, click “Page”

On the “Page” ribbon bar, select “View All Pages”

Click “Library” in the ribbon bar, then click the “Alert Me” drop-down.

Select “Set an alert on this library”

Configure your alert – you can receive notifications when new pages changed or added or only when new pages are added.

You can filter out changes you make by selecting “Someone else changes a wiki page”, and you can receive digest updates instead of getting a notification for each individual change. Click “OK” to save the notification, and you’ll start getting e-mails when the Wiki is updated.

If you want to adjust or cease receiving the alerts, select “Manage My Alerts” instead of ‘Set alert on this library’

Click on the alert name to edit the alert (or check the box in front of the alert name and select “Delete Selected Alerts” to remove it).