Tag: mod_php

Fedora 26 => 27 & PHP

Since I like to discover major changes by upgrading my server and then realizing something doesn’t work (well “like” might be too strong a word … but I certainly do it) … I randomly upgraded to Fedora 27 without reading any documentation on changes. Aaaand we have PHP! Evidently mod_php has gone away and I’m going to have to figure out how to use FastCGI (php-fpm). Luckily there’s a quick way to switch back to mod_php in the interim:


# Uncomment this line to use mod_php
LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/mod_mpm_prefork.so

# worker MPM: Multi-Processing Module implementing a hybrid
# multi-threaded multi-process web server
# See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/worker.html
#LoadModule mpm_worker_module modules/mod_mpm_worker.so

# event MPM: A variant of the worker MPM with the goal of consuming
# threads only for connections with active processing
# See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/event.html
# Commend out this line to use mod_php
#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/mod_mpm_event.so


<IfModule !mod_php5.c>
<IfModule prefork.c>
LoadModule php7_module modules/libphp7.so

<IfModule !mod_php5.c>
<IfModule !prefork.c>
# ZTS module is not supported, so FPM is preferred
LoadModule php7_module modules/libphp7-zts.so