Tag: teams connectors

Did you know … you can push GitLab notifications to Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams offers a lot of connectors which allow you to see external notifications right in a Teams channel, and you can push GitLab notifications to Teams. Determine the channel into which you want the notifications posted – I decided to make a new channel just for GitLab notifications, but you can use an existing channel too. Click the hamburger menu next to the channel name and select “Connectors”

Locate “Incoming Webhook” and click “Add” next to it

There’s not much to see here – just click “Install”

Provide a descriptive name for the webhook and click “Create”

Scroll down and copy the webhook URL

Click “Done”. Now go to your GitLab project. On the sidebar, scroll down to “Settings” and select “Integrations”

Scroll down to the “Project services” section.

Locate “Microsoft Teams Notification” and click on it

Check the box to activate the integration. Select the events for which you want information pushed to Teams

Remember that URL we copied? Well, here’s where you paste it in. You can elect to receive notifications for only the default branch or all branches. You can elect to receive all pipeline notifications or only broken pipeline notifications. Click “Test settings and save changes”

If everything worked, you will see a banner indicating that the Microsoft Teams Notification was activated.

Now do something in your GitLab project – commit a code update, create an issue, add a page to the Wiki … anything that you’ve selected to trigger notifications.

And … check out your Teams channel: