Tag: pycrypto

Installing pycrypto On WIN10 with Visual Studio 2017

Yes, I know it’s old and no longer maintained … but it’s also what my function already uses, and I don’t want to take a few hours to get moved over to pycryptodome. You can install pycrypto on Windows 10 running Visual Studio 2017. But there’s a trick. Find the location of stdint.h in your VS installation.

Open x86_x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt For VS 2017


set CL=-FI"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include\stdint.h"

where the bit in quotes is the path to your stdint.h (VS build version may differ, which will change the path).

Now, from within the Cross Tools Command Prompt, run:

pip install pycrypto

Voila — it installs: