Tag: javascript

Exporting Microsoft Stream Transcript

Microsoft has changed the interface on Stream slightly, so my code to export the Stream transcript needed an update. since copy/paste doesn’t seem to work for everyone, the script is also available as a text file.

var objTranscriptionLines = window.angular.element(window.document.querySelectorAll('.transcript-list')).scope().$ctrl.transcriptLines;
var strRunningText = "";
for(var i = 0; i < objTranscriptionLines.length; i++){
    if( objTranscriptionLines[i] ){
        var strLineText = objTranscriptionLines[i].eventData.text;
        strRunningText = strRunningText + "\n" + strLineText;

HTML Checkbox Adding and Removing Table Row

Here’s the JavaScript code I ended up using to add and remove rows from a table based on a checkbox selection (and only allowing one checkbox per group to be selected). The biggest change is that I added a name and ID to my TR for easier identification.

$(document).on("change", "input[type='checkbox']", function () {
    var $objCheckbox = $(this);
    if ($objCheckbox.is(":checked")) {			// When checked, deactivate other checkboxes and add to sets to create table
        var objCheckboxGroup = "input:checkbox[tableselector='" + $objCheckbox.attr("tableselector") + "']";

        $(objCheckboxGroup).prop("disabled", true);
        $objCheckbox.prop("disabled", false);		// Allow checked box to be unchecked

        addSetToCreatingTable($objCheckbox.attr("setname"), $objCheckbox.attr("settype"), $objCheckbox.attr("goodcircuits") + "|" + $objCheckbox.attr("value"), $objCheckbox.attr("tableselector"));

    else {							// When unchecked, active checkboxes and remove from sets to create table
        var objCheckboxGroup = "input:checkbox[name='" + $objCheckbox.attr("name") + "']";
        $(objCheckboxGroup).prop("disabled", false);	

        $("#" + $objCheckbox.attr('tableselector')).each(function(){ $(this).remove();})

HTML Checkboxes To Add and Remove Values from Table

I am creating a web form where the user input sometimes cannot be resolved to a unique value. In those cases, I present the user a set of checkboxes with the options (yes, a radio button makes more sense because you can only select one. But I hate that radio buttons change selection when you hit an arrow key.).

When a selection is made, I need to (1) deactivate the checkboxes for the other options when a checkbox in the group is selected and (2) add information to a data table that is used in subsequent activities.

When a selection is cleared, I need to (1) activate the checkboxes within the group and (2) remove the right row from the data table.

Below is the HTML code that achieves this. Now I just need to map this test page into the actual web code. There’s a post with the actual code I ended up using in production too.

<head><title>Adding And Removing From Table</title></head>

<div name="divCircuitClarifications" id="divCircuitClarifications">
    <input type="checkbox" value="123" tableselector="SampleCircuitA" name="SampleCircuitA[]" /><label>123</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="234" tableselector="SampleCircuitA" name="SampleCircuitA[]" /><label>234</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="345" tableselector="SampleCircuitA" name="SampleCircuitA[]" /><label>345</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="abc" tableselector="SampleCircuitB" name="SampleCircuitB[]" /><label>abc</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="bcd" tableselector="SampleCircuitB" name="SampleCircuitB[]" /><label>bcd</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="cde" tableselector="SampleCircuitB" name="SampleCircuitB[]" /><label>cde</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="Cabc" tableselector="SampleCircuitC" name="SampleCircuitC[]" /><label>abc</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="Cbcd" tableselector="SampleCircuitC" name="SampleCircuitC[]" /><label>bcd</label>
    <input type="checkbox" value="Ccde" tableselector="SampleCircuitC" name="SampleCircuitC[]" /><label>cde</label>

<div id="divResultTable" name="divResultTable">
<table border="1" padding="1" name="tableSetsToCreate" id="tableSetsToCreate">
	<thead><tr><th>ECCKT</th><th>Circuit ID</th></tr></thead>

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

	$("input:checkbox").on('click', function() {
	  	var $objCheckbox = $(this);
	  	if ($objCheckbox.is(":checked")) {			// When checked, deactivate other checkboxes and add to sets to create table
	    		var objCheckboxGroup = "input:checkbox[tableselector='" + $objCheckbox.attr("tableselector") + "']";
	    		$(objCheckboxGroup).prop("disabled", true);
	    		$objCheckbox.prop("disabled", false);		// Allow checked box to be unchecked

	                var strTableRowString = '<tr><td>' + $objCheckbox.attr("tableselector") + '</td><td>' + $objCheckbox.val() + '</td>\n';
	                $('#tableSetsToCreate tbody').append(strTableRowString);
		else {							// When unchecked, active checkboxes and remove from sets to create table
	    		var objCheckboxGroup = "input:checkbox[name='" + $objCheckbox.attr("name") + "']";
	    		$(objCheckboxGroup).prop("disabled", false);	

			$("tr:contains('" + $objCheckbox.attr('tableselector') + "')").each(function(){ $(this).remove();})

Filtering HTML Drop-down

I’ve got a few drop-downs that I’ve added filtering on the drop-down – start typing and you’ll see the options that match your string. But I needed to mirror an application functionality where you select a category and are then presented with a list of options that fit the category.

Here’s the drop-down selector for the categories

    echo "      <div class=\"row\">\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-lg-12 col-xs-12\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"row\">\n";
    echo "                  <div class=\"row\">\n";
    echo "                      <div class=\"col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-lg-2 col-xs-2 text-left\">\n";
    echo "                          <span><strong>Animal Category:</strong></span>\n";
    echo "                      </div>\n";
    echo "                      <div class=\"col-md-10 col-sm-10 col-lg-10 col-xs-10 text-left form-group\">\n";
    echo "                          <select name=\"strAnimalType\" id=\"strAnimalType\" readonly/> \n";
    echo "                              <option class=\"NoSelection\" value=\"-----\">-----</option>\n";
    echo "                              <option class=\"Feline\" value=\"201\">Feline</option>\n";
    echo "                              <option class=\"Canine\" value=\"202\">Canine</option>\n";
    echo "                              <option class=\"Equine\" value=\"203\">Equine</option>\n";
    echo "                              <option class=\"Other\" value=\"204\">Other</option>\n";
    echo "                          </select>\n";
    echo "                      </div>\n";
    echo "                  </div>\n";

And here’s the drop-down selector I want to filter based on category — there are a lot of options. The class for each option includes the category selectors that will include the option in the drop-down.

    echo "      <div class=\"row\">\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-lg-12 col-xs-12\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"row\">\n";
    echo "                  <div class=\"row\">\n";
    echo "                      <div class=\"col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-lg-2 col-xs-2 text-left\">\n";
    echo "                          <span><strong>Pet Breed:</strong></span>\n";
    echo "                      </div>\n";
    echo "                      <div class=\"col-md-10 col-sm-10 col-lg-10 col-xs-10 text-left form-group\">\n";
    echo "                          <select name=\"strPetBreed\" id=\"strPetBreed\" readonly/> \n";
    echo " <option value=\"-----\" class=\"selectors All\">-----</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"101\" class=\"selectors Feline\">Domestic Shorthair</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1275\" class=\"selectors Feline\">Flame Point Siamese</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1069\" class=\"selectors Equine\">Arabian</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1071\" class=\"selectors Equine\">Tennessee Walking Horse</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1072\" class=\"selectors Other\">Chicken</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1073\" class=\"selectors Other\">Snake</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1074\" class=\"selectors Canine\">Australian Shepherd</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1075\" class=\"selectors Feline\">Burmese</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1076\" class=\"selectors Canine\">Siberian Husky</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1077\" class=\"selectors Feline\">Sphinx</option>\n";
    echo " <option value=\"1078\" class=\"selectors Other\">Rabbit</option>\n";
    echo "                          </select>\n";
    echo "                      </div>\n";
    echo "                  </div>\n";
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "      </div>\n";

In the JavaScript, I’ve got a quick function that repopulates the rather long drop-down menu based on the selected category

// Filter strPetBreed options based on strAnimalCategory value
$(document).ready(function () {    
    var allOptions = $('#strPetBreedoption')
    $('#strAnimalCategory').change(function () {
        $('#strPetBreed option').remove()

        var classN = $('#strAnimalCategory option:selected').prop('class');
        var optsCat = allOptions.filter('.' + classN);
        $.each(optsCat, function (i, j) {

        var optsAll = allOptions.filter('.All');
        $.each(optsAll, function (i, j) {


Since it’s possible there are options you’d want to always appear (in my case, it’s just the “—–” to indicate no selection has been made … but there could be real items that fall into each category too), I’ve got an “All” classification that will get popped onto the top of the list.

Adding CSS To Header

I am currently working on a website that sources in a header and footer — not an uncommon thing to do as this ensures a consistent look across the site. The lead-in code starts head, closes head, starts body, and defines the common page elements (nav bar, etc). The footer then defines some more common page elements and closes body. This approach creates a problem when you want to add CSS. Now you could use style tags within the HTML, but I would rather not have the same style definition twenty times. Yeah, I’d make a single variable out of it and print the style-definition-variable twenty times … but I’d rather have my CSS sourced in from a style-sheet file.

Since I’m already using jQuery to dynamically append elements — add table rows as data is pulled back from the server — I wondered if you could append something to the header. Yes, you can!

* This function appends a CSS file to the document head
* @param {string} strFileName Path to CSS file
* @return n/a
* @example
* loadCSSStylesheetToHead('/path/to/file.css')
function loadCSSStylesheetToHead(strFileName){
var file = document.createElement("link");
file.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
file.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
file.setAttribute("href", strFileName);

This allows me to after-the-fact add css from a style-sheet file into the document head.

Displaying An Image Tooltip

JQuery developers seem to have put a lot of effort into filtering HTML components out of tooltips … which, as someone who visits a website … is A Good Thing. But what’s a good security consideration can be a massive pain when building a website. I have a form which takes an internal ID number, and I have an image showing people how to find that internal ID number. I want a little question mark after the field name that pops up the image as a tooltip on mouseover events. And clears the image on mouseout.


// Show finding equipment ID image "tooltip" 
        	$('#FindingEID').css({ "display": "block" });
        	$('#FindingEID').css({ "display": "none" });
<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-lg-2 col-xs-2 text-left">
	<span><strong>Equipment ID(s): <a id="ShowEquipmentIDTip" href="#">(?)</a></strong></span>
	<div id="FindingEID" style="position: relative;top: 20;left: 60;width: 100%;height: 100%;z-index:99;display:none"><img src="/groomsGenerateCircuitReport/images/Tip-FindingEquipmentID.png" /></div>

Moving your mouse over the ShowEquipmentIDTip a element displays the div which contains my image “tooltip” and moving the mouse away sets the display back to none.