Tag: avahi-daemon

Samba Server Not Appearing In Network Locations (Fedora)

One of our Samba servers — unfortunately the file server — did not show up when browsing the network locations in Dolphin. I map drives from Windows, so it’s not something I’ve really noticed … but Scott is trying to avoid using network mounts and wanted to access everything through “Network”. Several other servers — ones that Scott built — show up, but not the one where we actually store our files.

There’s no salient difference in the samba configurations. But … it turns out that the “newer” way Samba advertises its presence is through mDNS. And I routinely disable the avahi-daemon because, well, I “don’t use” mDNS for anything. Turns out I do use mDNS … so I had to enable and start the avahi-daemon (and restart Samba). Voila, the file server is visible in the list of network places.

Brinqa Remediation – mDNS

Some systems were found to be responding to mDNS requests (5353/udp). Linux hosts were running the avahi-daemon which provides this service. As the auto-discovery service is not used for service identification, the avahi-daemon was disabled.

Confirm response is seen on 5353/udp prior to change:

nmap -P0 -p 5353 -sU hostname.example.net

SSH to host identified as responding to mDNS requests. Disable the avahi-daemon then stop the avahi-daemon:

systemctl disable avahi-daemon
systemctl stop avahi-daemon


Verify that 5353/udp is no longer open by repeating the nmap command.
