Category: Oracle

Oracle – Group By Having

I needed a query to find records where duplicate name values exist. I know how to group by and count, but the table has millions of records. I don’t want the 99% of the data where no duplication occurs. By using “having” in conjunction with “group by”, I am able to restrict the output to the groups that match my criterion.

select display_name, count(display_name) from circuit
group by display_name
having count(display_name) > 1;

My result set is the display name & occurrence count for that display name without all of the ‘good’ records where there’s a unique display name. (Yes, I know uniqueness could be enforced. The real scenario isn’t this straight-forward. There are times where the display name should be the same and I’ve got additional filters that drop out those cases).


MetaSolv: Programmatically creating diversity sets

We wanted to be able to bulk-load diversity sets into MSS. While the documentation has several additional fields in the CIRCUIT table that claim to be updated when a circuit is a member of a diversity set (SPECIAL_ROUTING_CODE_IO_FAC, SPECIAL_ROUTING_CODE_SECLOC, and SPECIAL_ROUTING_CODE_TYPE), I’ve found these fields to remain NULL when sets are created through the MSS GUI.

To create a diversity set, an API call will be made. The following values would be used for each interaction with the API.

Parameter Description Required? Field Table Action
strDiversitySetName User-defined name of the diversity set (32 character limit) YES DS_DVRSTY_SET_NM asap.ds_dvrsty_set INSERT
charDiversitySetTypeCode Type of diversity to maintain for the set. Valid values are ‘2’, ‘3’, and ‘4’ YES DS_DVRSTY_SET_TYPE_CD asap.ds_dvrsty_set INSERT
n/a The user account that made the most recent change to the row. This will always be g9953576. n/a LAST_MODIFIED_USER_ID asap.ds_dvrsty_set INSERT
n/a The timestamp when the last change to the row occurred n/a LAST_MODIFIED_DATE asap.ds_dvrsty_set INSERT

Adding circuits to the newly created diversity set requires the Oracle-generated sequence, DS_DVRSTY_SET_ID, which is created by the previous call. To add circuits to the diversity set, an API call will be made. The following values would be used for each interaction with the API.

Parameter Description Required? Field Table Action
iDiversitySetID Diversity Set ID from asap.ds_dvrsty_set YES DS_DVRSTY_SET_ID ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
iDiversitySetSequence Circuit sequence number within diversity set YES DS_DVRSTY_SET_SEQ ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
iCircuitDesignID Unique identifier for circuit YES CIRCUIT_DESIGN_ID ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
charPrimaryRouteIndicator Indicates if the circuit is the primary route circuit. Valid values are ‘Y’ and ‘N’ YES DS_PRIMARY_ROUTE_IND ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
charExcludeIndicator Indicates whether this circuit within the Diversity Set is excluded from the diversity requirement YES DS_EXCLUDE_IND ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
n/a The user account that made the most recent change to the row. This will always be g9953576. n/a LAST_MODIFIED_USERID ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
n/a The timestamp when the last change to the row occurred n/a LAST_MODIFIED_DATE ds_dvrsty_set_circuit INSERT
n/a Indicates circuit belongs to a diversity set. This value will always be ‘Y’ n/a DS_DIVERSITY_IND circuit UPDATE


Oracle – Adding Fixed String To Column Data

I had a request to drop data from a SQL query into an Excel spreadsheet — the initial request had a column that included different text depending on row data. Since Box::Spout deals well with huge volumes of data (I write millions of rows in some reports), I use it pretty exclusively. Writing data to each column individually means I’ve got to retain a list of column names, and I would rather not do that. I can dump the column names into a header row then dump the entire database row into the next spreadsheet row. This works since a 1:1 correlation between database rows and Excel rows. I’ll go through after the fact and update a specific cell based on data in other cells, but I don’t want to insert a column.

Luckily, there’s an easy way to add a placeholder column to my database output: