Preventing erronious use of the master branch on development servers

One of the web servers at work uses a refspec in the “git pull” command to map the remote development branch to the local remote-tracking master branch. This is fairly confusing (and it looks like the dev server is using the master branch unless you dig into how the pull is performed), but I can see how this prevents someone from accidentally typing something like “git checkout master” and really messing up the development environment. I can also see a dozen ways someone can issue what is a completely reasonable git command 99% of the time and really mess up the development environment.

While it is simple enough to just checkout the development branch, doing so does open us up to the possibility that someone will erroneously  deliver the production code to the development server and halt all testing. While you cannot create shell aliases for multi-word commands (or, more accurately, alias expansion is performed for the first word of a simple command is checked to see if it has an alias … so you’ll never get the multi-word command), you can define a function to intercept git commands and avoid running unwanted commands:

function git() { 
     case $* in 
         "checkout master" ) command echo "This is a dev server, do not checkout the master branch!" ;; 
         "pull origin master" ) command echo "This is a dev server, do not pull the master branch" ;; 
         * ) command git "$@" ;; 

Or define the desired commands and avoid running any others:

function git(){
     if echo "$@" | grep -Eq '^checkout uat$'; then
          command git $@
     elif echo "$@" | grep -Eq '^pull .+ uat$'; then
          command git $@
          echo "The command $@ needs to be whitelisted before it can be run"

Either approach mitigates the risk of someone incorrectly using the master branch on the development server.

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