Securing WordPress A Little Bit

We’ve had quite a lot of source IP’s flooding our web server the past few days. The first couple, I just blocked entirely … but we get a good bit of traffic to my husband’s business domain. That traffic is not exclusively people randomly surfing the Internet — we’ve been getting records in our logs that very specifically look like hacking attempts.

I’ve added a few stanzas into my Apache configuration to block access to “important” files unless the source is my tablet’s IP:

         <Files ~ "wp-config.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

        <Files ~ "wp-login.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

        <Files ~ "wp-settings.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

        <Files ~ "xmlrpc.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

       <Directory "/">
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        <Directory "/var/www/vhtml/lisa/html/wp-admin">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

Then went into the MySQL database and renamed all of the tables to remove the default prefix:

rename table wp_commentmeta to prefix_commentmeta;
rename table wp_comments to prefix_comments;
rename table wp_links to prefix_links;
rename table wp_ngg_album to prefix_ngg_album;
rename table wp_ngg_gallery to prefix_ngg_gallery;
rename table wp_ngg_pictures to prefix_ngg_pictures;
rename table wp_options to prefix_options;
rename table wp_postmeta to prefix_postmeta;
rename table wp_posts to prefix_posts;
rename table wp_statistics_exclusions to prefix_statistics_exclusions;
rename table wp_statistics_historical to prefix_statistics_historical;
rename table wp_statistics_pages to prefix_statistics_pages;
rename table wp_statistics_search to prefix_statistics_search;
rename table wp_statistics_useronline to prefix_statistics_useronline;
rename table wp_statistics_visit to prefix_statistics_visit;
rename table wp_statistics_visitor to prefix_statistics_visitor;
rename table wp_term_relationships to prefix_term_relationships;
rename table wp_term_taxonomy to prefix_term_taxonomy;
rename table wp_termmeta to prefix_termmeta;
rename table wp_terms to prefix_terms;
rename table wp_usermeta to prefix_usermeta;
rename table wp_users to prefix_users;
rename table wp_wfBadLeechers to prefix_wfBadLeechers;
rename table wp_wfBlocks to prefix_wfBlocks;
rename table wp_wfBlocksAdv to prefix_wfBlocksAdv;
rename table wp_wfConfig to prefix_wfConfig;
rename table wp_wfCrawlers to prefix_wfCrawlers;
rename table wp_wfFileMods to prefix_wfFileMods;
rename table wp_wfHits to prefix_wfHits;
rename table wp_wfHoover to prefix_wfHoover;
rename table wp_wfIssues to prefix_wfIssues;
rename table wp_wfLeechers to prefix_wfLeechers;
rename table wp_wfLockedOut to prefix_wfLockedOut;
rename table wp_wfLocs to prefix_wfLocs;
rename table wp_wfLogins to prefix_wfLogins;
rename table wp_wfNet404s to prefix_wfNet404s;
rename table wp_wfReverseCache to prefix_wfReverseCache;
rename table wp_wfScanners to prefix_wfScanners;
rename table wp_wfStatus to prefix_wfStatus;
rename table wp_wfThrottleLog to prefix_wfThrottleLog;
rename table wp_wfVulnScanners to prefix_wfVulnScanners;

update prefix_usermeta set meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key,'wp_','prefix_');
update prefix_options SET option_name = 'prefix_user_roles' where option_name = 'wp_user_roles';

Modified wp-config.php to use the new prefix:

// $table_prefix  = 'wp_';
$table_prefix  = 'prefix_';

More to tweak, but this is a start!

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