School Considerations

What exactly are the teachers using to clean the classroom? Stuff like Lysol and Clorox wipes have been on the “back to school” list for years because the school doesn’t have budget for basic classroom supplies.
These kids sitting 6′ apart … where’s that extra space coming from? In our elementary school, the “play” and “group” areas could be removed (no shared toys or sitting on squares together anyway). But kids are going to walk between desks, so you really need 12′ separation to allow a walkway. There’s no way to get 20+ kids into a classroom. And what about upper grades where students move between classrooms? There some large group of new hires disinfecting each desk in the three minutes between classes? Because having the teacher speed clean the desks seems counter-productive.
How do we accommodate both the ‘school shooting safety measures’ like keeping the classroom doors closed and the ‘COVID19 safety measures’ like minimizing contact with high-touch surfaces? The obvious COVID-19 solution is to have all interior doors propped open during school hours and possibly assign an employee to open/close the dedicated ingress and egress doors.
Everyone gets two scheduled times for the bathroom? Or how exactly does that work? Same for recess — hey, it’s your ten minutes to jog around the building. Go!
I’m already being asked to drive the kid to school because they cannot figure out how to bus kids safely. With the ‘normal’ number of kids being dropped off and picked up, there was a queue of cars backed out to the road. How’s this drop-off/pick-up thing going to work with a lot more kids? And what about someone who has kids in more than one school?
A significant part of early childhood education is learning to socialize and interact with others. How much social learning is going to happen this year?
And the biggest question of all — what exactly does the school do when the first person tests positive? The entire class has to be in quarantine for a few weeks? What about kids who have siblings in that class — everyone in their class has to quarantine too? Seems like the first positive test and the whole school needs to be in quarantine.

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