Maven Deploy To Github Packages – Error 422: Unprocessable Entity

There is logical consistency to this error, but it would be nice if the error message was a little more indicative of the problem. Scott deployed a JAR to Github Packages. He needed to make a few changes and then was unable to upload the package in his deployment. The error indicted the jar was unable to be transferred to/from Github with error 422. Which was a new one on me — quick search produced the fact 422 is “Unprocessable Entity”. And, yeah, the maven error said exactly that if I’d bothered to read the whole error. I suggested incrementing the version, and the deploy succeeded.

Since GitHub doesn’t allow you to delete public packages, it seems logical that they wouldn’t allow you to overwrite public packages either (if nothing else, I could overwrite it with a text file that says “DELETED” and essentially have deleted the package). Since he was able to deploy the package successfully with a new version tag, it appears that you cannot delete or overwrite public packages. Each new push needs to have a unique tag.

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