Corrupted Spreadsheets From PHPSpreadsheet (andPHPExcel)

I need to deliver Excel files to the browser, so used php://output as the save location. Does exactly what I want except …

Excel says it has a problem with some of the file content. It’s recoverable – click “Yes” and you’ll see all of the spreadsheet data. But no one is going to want to run a repair on every single file they download from my site!

I confirmed the buffer was being cleared, that I didn’t have any extraneous PHP errors getting inserted into the spreadsheet data. My output was clean – it was also corrupt. I’d actually started using the old PHPExcel module, installed and changed over to PHPSpreadsheet because I know PHPExcel is not maintained. But the problem persisted. I started reading through the docs for PHPSpreadsheet to see if I could find a hint.


Make sure not to include any echo statements or output any other contents than the Excel file. 
There should be no whitespace before the opening <?php tag and at most one line break after the closing ?> tag 
(which can also be omitted to avoid problems). 
Make sure that your script is saved without a BOM (Byte-order mark) because this counts as echoing output. 
The same things apply to all included files. 
Failing to follow the above guidelines may result in corrupt Excel files arriving at the client browser, 
and/or that headers cannot be set by PHP (resulting in warning messages).

Do I have more than one newline after the closing “?>” tag? Sure do!

Got rid of the extra newline, and the downloaded file is fine.


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